Author archives: a1653131
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Building the evidence base on the impacts of mobile financial services for women & men in farming households in Laos & Cambodia

While great claims are made about mobile finance as a critical enabling factor for agricultural development, little is known about how it affects the livelihoods and well-being of women and men in farming households. This project aims to develop an evidence base on the economic and social impacts of mobile financial services for women and men in farming households with a particular focus on Laos and Cambodia.
Focus farmer: Pak Ma'mur

Pak Ma’mur is one of the the IndoDairy Focus Farmers (FF) in Cijeruk, Bogor. The project has been working with his business since July 2019.
Focus farmer: Pak Yunus

Pak Yunus is a Focus Farmer (FF) in Cijeruk Bogor working with IndoDairy to achieve his business goals. See the latest update.
IndoDairy Newsletter #2

New stories from the Village Level Researchers (VLRs) and farmers in the IndoDairy Discussion Groups.
IndoDairy goes down under

The IndoDairy team travelled to Queensland, Australia to get a ‘Grass-to-Glass’ view of the dairy sector.
Voice from the field

The IndoDairy Village Level Researchers (VLRs) put together this video, capturing the ‘Voices from the Field’.
IndoDairy Newsletter #1

The Village Level Researchers (VLRs) share some of the experiences from farmers participating in the Discussion Groups.
Visualise your thesis

PhD candidate, Rida Akzar, shares some of his research through the University of Adelaide ‘Visualise Your Thesis’ Competition.
Indo Livestock expo

The IndoDairy project joined the IndoBeef project at the Indo Livestock Expo in Surabaya, East Java.