Milk cooperative adopts IndoDairy extension materials

Milk cooperative KPBS Pangalengan extension total of 2,000 additional farmers in the area. staff, Yan Yan and Ade.
Yan Yan and Ade (pictured) are extension officers at the milk cooperative (KUD) in Pangalengan, West Java who have adopted new extension techniques after being involved in the IndoDairy discussion groups (DGs).

IndoDairy Discussion group facilitator, Oji, demonstrating how to use the weigh tape to measure calf growth rates.
The training and extension materials provided on calf management were useful for their farmers as they had never been delivered in Pangalengan. After being involved in the discussion groups, Yan Yan said,
“Now I have delivered the topic on calf management to an additional 340 farmers who are currently under my supervision”.
The IndoDairy extension material on calf management was also extended by another five extension staff in the KUD, reaching a total of 2,000 additional farmers in the area.
New knowledge shared in this topic included giving 4 litres of colostrum to calves within the first 6-12 hours after birth, feeding 1kg of concentrate up to point of weaning and giving separate drinking water from feed and milk.
“Most of my farmers have now applied this knowledge when rearing their new calves”, said Yan Yan.
“The opportunity to join the IndoDairy Project has been a really valuable and unforgettable experience and I will continue to use the extension methods that I have learned from the project,” said Yan Yan.