Indo Livestock expo

The 14th Indo Livestock Expo and Forum was held in Surabaya between 3 and 5 July 2019.
One of Indonesia’s leading livestock, feed, dairy, and fisheries forums with representatives from industry and government in Indonesia, as well as neighbouring countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam).
The two major ACIAR funded livestock collaborations in Indonesia - IndoDairy and IndoBeef (IndoBeef, led by University of New England - UNE) - were represented at the expo. While at different stages of implementation, IndoDairy and IndoBeef represents a long history of collaboration between Australia and Indonesia spanning more than 30 years, in particular with the Indonesia Centre for Animal Research and Development (ICARD).
CGFAR researcher, Jack Hetherington, represented the IndoDairy at Expo including participating in a panel discussion with Associate Professor John Ackerman, UNE and Dr. Atien Priyanti, Director of ICARD.