Nutrition sensitive agriculture – looking through a nutrition lens

Global Food Studies held a successful Workshop “Nutrition sensitive agriculture – looking through a nutrition lens” in Hanoi, Vietnam on 1st-2nd December 2014. The workshop was attended by 25 researchers, including representatives from UNICEF and World Vision. The workshop was funded by the Australian Centre for Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

The workshop, co-facilitated by Dr Suzie Newman (Senior Research Fellow, University of Adelaide) and Mia Urbano (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) focused on the latest developments in measuring nutritional impacts in projects (household and individual diet quality, consumption patterns, micro-nutrients, food security assessments and anthropometric information), as well as providing a forum for researchers to collaborate on future research initiatives.

The workshop had a number of experts in the field, including Ellen Goddard from the University of Alberta, facilitate discussion on topics such as:

  • Nutritional status of children in Vietnam – UNICEF data and perspective.
  • Nutritional impacts arising from interventions that seek to empower women.
  • Farmer cluster groups, child nutrition and health.
Program of topics, as well as the workshop presentations:
December 1st
Welcome, program overview Suzie Newman (University of Adelaide) and Mia Urbano (DFAT) – Co-facilitators
The importance of measuring nutritional impacts of projects Rodd Dyer, Research Program Manager - Agribusiness (ACIAR)
Session 1: Measuring nutritional impacts of projects
Examining the relationship between food market environment, diet diversity and diet related diseases among urban Indonesian households Wendy Umberger, Director Global Food Studies and A/Prof Agricultural and Food Economics (University of Adelaide)
Measuring household diet diversity, food consumption and nutrition of household members Ellen Goddard, Professor and Co-operative Chair, Agricultural Marketing and Business (University of Alberta)
Nutritional status of children in Vietnam – UNICEF data and perspective Nguyen Dinh Quang, (UNICEF)
Nutrition vulnerability – past or future? Sigrid Wertheim, Director of Marketing (Fresh Studio)
Day 1 – wrap up Suzie Newman and Mia Urbano
December 2nd
Anthropometrics, micronutrients and food security assessments – selecting appropriate nutrition indicators Facilitated discussion
Session 2: Nutritional indicators from a development perspective
Nutrition programming in Yen Bai and Dien Bien Maria Yvette Reyes, Director of Program, Quality and Resource Development and Nguyen An Vu, National Coordinator for Health (World Vision – Vietnam)
Nutritional impacts arising from interventions that seek to empower women Mia Urbano, Gender Specialist (DFAT) and Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, Director of Department of Social and Family Affairs (VWU)
Session 3: Designing nutrition focussed studies
Farmer cluster groups, child nutrition and health Pete Alviola, A/Prof School of Management (University of Philippines, Mindanao)
Assessing economic access, dietary composition, and drivers of fruit and vegetable consumption in Vietnam Christian Genova, Wendy Umberger and Suzie Newman (University of Adelaide)
Design of nutrition focussed studies – how can we improve what we do Facilitated discussion
Session 4: Where to from here?
Open Forum (Platform for collaboration) Facilitated discussion
Summary and concluding remarks Suzie Newman, Mia Urbano and Alexandra Peralta (Rapporteur)
Tagged in Workshop