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Sustainability in food value chains – Australian and European perspectives

GFAR organised a workshop on value chain sustainability in association with the Australasian Agriculture and Resource Economics Society (AARES) in September 2017.
[Read more about Sustainability in food value chains – Australian and European perspectives]
Nutrition sensitive agriculture – looking through a nutrition lens

Global Food Studies held a successful Workshop “Nutrition sensitive agriculture – looking through a nutrition lens” in Hanoi, Vietnam on 1st-2nd December 2014.
[Read more about Nutrition sensitive agriculture – looking through a nutrition lens]
Towards a sustainable fresh vegetable supply chain in Cambodia and Lao PDR

Our project on improving market engagement, post-harvest management and productivity of the Cambodian and Lao PDR vegetable industries is drawing to a close. This month, the project team have been busy finalising 4 years’ of research and development activities following our end of project review in December.
[Read more about Towards a sustainable fresh vegetable supply chain in Cambodia and Lao PDR]