Evaluating an alternative approach to sector development in Pacific island countries
Australia's development assistance program aims to drive economic prosperity by supporting key sectors to transition into innovative and high-value industries, promoting collaboration, commercialisation, stakeholder engagement, capacity building and training. The tilapia and beekeeping sectors are important income-generating livelihood activities for smallholder farmers in Fiji and other PIC's that have unrealised potential to grow and develop into innovative high-value agribusiness industries that are inclusive and contribute significantly to the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. This project will support the transitioning of these sectors in Fiji through market-oriented development and sector strengthening, by supporting industry associations to become effective agents of industry progress, driving, and facilitating sector development, attaining stronger financial and operational stability post-donor funding. The project will grow partnerships between key industry and government departments for continued industry growth.
Project Objectives
- Strengthen beekeeping and tilapia businesses to service viable and diverse consumer markets
- Develop viable and sustainable industry associations
- Optimise collaborative industry partnerships
Project Partners
- Collaborating institutions: Southern Cross University, Fiji Beekeepers Association, Tilapia Fiji Association, Ministry of Agriculture Fiji, Ministry of Fisheries Fiji, Talanoa Consulting
- Funding: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR project AGB/2022/113).