News: Research impact
Recent publications

Here are some of the most recent publications produced by the team at The Centre for Global Foods and Resources (GFAR) and our colleagues.
Aren’t we in a drought? The Australian black coal industry uses enough water for over 5 million people

Water is a highly contested resource in this long, oppressive drought, and the coal industry is one of Australia’s biggest water users. Research released today, funded by the Australian Conservation Foundation, has identified how much water coal mining and coal-fired power stations actually use in New South Wales and Queensland. The answer? About 383 billion litres of fresh water every year.
Cocoa cruising to success

GFAR’s cocoa research project in Vanuatu celebrated a major achievement this week with products entering a new high-value market.
Participation in the Second Authors Meeting of IPBES Values Assessment

In October, Sacha Amaruzaman, a PhD Candidate in the Centre for Global Food and Resources (GFAR) and Fellow in the IPBES Assessment on the Multiple Values of Nature, participated in the Second Authors Meeting of the assessment.
[Read more about Participation in the Second Authors Meeting of IPBES Values Assessment]
IndoDairy project researchers in Australia

This week Indonesian researchers are joining the Northern Australia Dairy Innovation Days and touring the subtropical dairy industry.
[Read more about IndoDairy project researchers in Australia]
Working on a new approach to sustainability in smallholder-dominated supply chains

Dr Daniel Gregg provides a project update from his fieldwork in Uganda.
[Read more about Working on a new approach to sustainability in smallholder-dominated supply chains]
Review of Pastoral Act provides opportunity to bring forward new ideas to South Australian land management

GFAR's Associate Professor Patrick O'Connor, along with his colleagues, has completed a detailed submission to the review of the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989.
‘If someone wants to take more, someone else has to take less’ – New Perspectives on Sharing Water

Prof. Young hopes that this water sharing paper will inspire a new dialogue and start a search for robust water-sharing arrangements that will withstand the test of time. In some areas, a few policy tweaks may be all that is necessary. In other areas, a major rethink may be necessary.
CGFAR researcher elected chair of National Landcare Network (NLN)

Congratulations to Associate Professor Patrick O’Connor for being elected as Chair of the National Landcare Network (NLN). NLN is the representative body for Landcare groups across Australia and works to provide national representation for Landcare and other community groups working to protect Australia’s lands and waters.
[Read more about CGFAR researcher elected chair of National Landcare Network (NLN)]
We need to refocus to fix Australia's extinction crisis

Australian environmental investment needs to up its game. The total expenditures need to expand to the scale of the problem and the mechanisms of investment need to engage much more of the population and economy in making a difference.
[Read more about We need to refocus to fix Australia's extinction crisis]