CET celebrates another year of research excellence

The Centre for Energy Technology (CET) held another successful Research Day on Thursday 12 November 2020. Presentations were given in the three themed topics of: hydrogen – the fuel of the future; circular carbon economy; and decarbonising heavy industry. Each session included presentations from an industry speaker, senior CET staff, and poster presentations from students and early career researchers, capturing the important work the CET is engaged in across these sectors.
Special thanks to Krissy Raman from Australian Gas Infrastructure Group for her insights into AGIG’s perspective on hydrogen adaptation, Ying Luo's discussion on how Santos are targeting a low carbon future and Felicity’s Lloyd, from Adelaide Brighton’s, perspective on decarbonising cement and lime.
The Engineering Atrium came alive with student and early career researcher poster presentations, and a virtual poster presentation via Zoom was trialed for the first time at a CET Research Day.
CET prizes were awarded in the categories of contribution to research quality (PhD and ECR), contribution to clean energy technology (PhD and ECR) and best CET team player. A list of award recipients and some photos from the day have been added to the CET Research Day page.
Finally, CET Advisory Board Chair, Ms Susan Jeanes, closed the day, reminding of us of how crucial the work of the CET is at this time in history, when new technologies to counter climate change are more important than ever.