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Nigel Cook presents at Global ROAR

Professor Nigel Cook, Director of the PRIF Integrated Mining Consortium, was a presenter at Amira’s Global Remote Operations Automation and Robotics Day (Global ROAR), which was held on Saturday October 10, 2020.
ASPER excels at industry co-authorships

The Australian School of Petroleum and Energy Resources (ASPER) reveals 29.8% of research publications were co-authored by industry partners, published between 2017-20.
Space research centre renamed after Australian astronaut

The Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources is the new title for the University of Adelaide centre spearheading how to optimise the sustainable use of off-Earth resources.
[Read more about Space research centre renamed after Australian astronaut]
HILT CRC bid prospectus updated for round 2
The HILT CRC bid prospectus has been updated, as the team heads for round two of the bid. Download the prospectus from the CET website.
[Read more about HILT CRC bid prospectus updated for round 2]
IMER Director becomes first academic to be elected to SACOME Council

Congratulations to Professor Michael Goodsite, Director of the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) – Modern Energy Systems, at the University of Adelaide, who has been voted to council, along with nine South Australian industry leaders.
[Read more about IMER Director becomes first academic to be elected to SACOME Council]
HILT CRC bid is shortlisted for round 2

The Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) - Modern Energy Systems and the Centre for Energy Technology are delighted to announce that the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition (HILT) CRC bid has been successfully shortlisted for round 2 of the bid process.
IMER celebrates ARC grant successes

The Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER) – Modern Energy Systems has secured two large ARC Linkage projects, and a Discovery Project in the most recently announced round of ARC grant funding.
CET celebrates another year of research excellence

The Centre for Energy Technology (CET) held another successful Research Day on Thursday 12 November 2020. Presentations were given in the three themed topics of: hydrogen – the fuel of the future; circular carbon economy; and decarbonising heavy industry.
[Read more about CET celebrates another year of research excellence]
IMER supports gender equity and diversity in mining

The Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources – Modern Energy Resources is supporting women to undertake degrees in mining technology through a number of initiatives led by the PRIF Consortium and the new ARC Training Centre for Integrated Operations for Complex Resources (IOCR).
[Read more about IMER supports gender equity and diversity in mining]
200+ critical mineral investments in Australia's updated prospectus
The 2020 edition of the Australian Critical Minerals Prospectus has been released by the federal government. It contains more than 200 potential critical mineral projects, and is aimed at encouraging investors to invest in Australia and develop the resources here.
[Read more about 200+ critical mineral investments in Australia's updated prospectus]