ASPER excels at industry co-authorships

A special report conducted by The Australian has revealed that the ANU and the University of Adelaide collaborate more with industry in their published research than any other universities in Australia. From 2017 – 2020, the University of Adelaide had industry co-authors for 3.6% of their publications and ANU 3.7%.
Associate Professor Simon Holford and Dr Abbas Zeinijahromi from the Australian School of Petroleum and Energy Resources (ASPER), were intrigued by the finding and decided to discover how many ASPER publications were co-authored by an industry partner from 2017-2020. The result was an astounding 29.8%.
“Given the applied nature of our work, we expected to have a higher percentage than the university,” Head of School, Dr Kathryn Amos said.
“The rate may even be higher, as we only included publications that included a named author affiliation of ASPER”, Dr Amos explained.
In addition to this, the researchers discovered that 63.4% of these publications had an international co-author.