Launch of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER)

We are excited to announce the launch of the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER) as a University Research Institute.
ISER replaces the Institute for Mineral and Energy Resources (IMER), building on its legacy, while deepening and broadening its considerable success and engagement with key sectors in Australia.
The UoA, through its organisations and institutes, has always conducted excellent sustainability research, and will continue do so as sustainability research spans across the university academic ecosystem and its partners. ISER is working together with colleagues to develop an online portal, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will allow interested stakeholders to find their way to the strongest research environments for the particular SDG, wherever they may be anchored in our Faculties and Institutes.
ISER’s role is to:
- lead, on behalf of DVCR, the development of a new University FAME strategy in Sustainability;
- build greater scale and focus in the FAME area of Sustainability in collaboration with Institutes and Faculties;
- build University research capability and multi-disciplinary collaborative teams that focus on the research needs of the mineral and energy resources sectors as well as other sectors whose focus is on improving SDGs not already primarily supported by other Institutes;
- enhance key cognate industry partnerships to play a stronger role in the creation of new industries and sovereign capability;
- maintain relationships with key internal and external stakeholders and promote the University’s unique research capability to industry and government as primary portal for sustainability, energy and resources as applied to strategic research initiatives;
- facilitate the formation of external partnership arrangements and the sourcing of external research funding;
- strengthen our reputation for high quality partnered research with positive impact;
- contribute to improving diversity in the sector;
- engage with postgraduate students to support their growth in sustainability research.
ISER will report directly to DVCR and is led by Professor Michael Goodsite, supported by Institute staff: Paula Angerstein (Institute Manager) and Sarah Keany (Institute Senior Administrator). Chris Matthews will directly support ISER from the ICS team, as the Senior Business Development Manager, Sustainability.
We encourage you reach out and contact the ISER team to discuss your interest in sustainability, energy and resources research.