Future Fuels CRC Webinar: Australia's Most Viable Bioenergy Locations

Thursday 2 June 2022 – 11:30am to 1:00pm (AEST Melb/Syd)
This online forum will feature Future Fuels CRC researcher Sam Culley from the University of Adelaide sharing the latest insights from their techno-economic assessment of the viability of biomethane production for bioenergy hub locations across Australia.
Sam will be joined by Felicity Sands, Manager of Gas Reform at the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning who will share the latest on the development of the Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap.
An industry panel will also be on hand to provide their unique perspectives on how to assess the viability of biomethane and bioenergy hubs to further inform research and policy development considerations. The panel members are:
- David Norman, CEO, Future Fuels CRC
- Shahana McKenzie, CEO, Bioenergy Australia
- Ash Salardini, Chief Economist and General Manager Trade, National Farmers Federation
- Gabrielle Sycamore, General Manager Renewable Gas, Jemena
- James Khedari, Portfolio Director, Low Carbon Fuels and Services, Viva Energy
- Moderator: Benjy Lee, Strategic Advisor, Future Fuels CRC, owner Benjy Lee Consulting
Please extend this invite to interested colleagues. This session will also be recorded and available for viewing in the secure Members’ Area of the Future Fuels CRC website. This forum is intended for anyone with a specialist interest in biomethane production and biohub development from a research, policy or market perspective, so please use your official email address when registering.
More information on the FFCRC research project is available here: RP1.2-04 Integrated model for bio-methane injection in gas networks – Future Fuels CRC
You can register for the webinar at:
About Future Fuels CRC
Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre is the industry focussed Research, Development & Demonstration (RD&D) partnership enabling the decarbonisation of Australia’s energy networks. We work with our partners in a collaborative and connected research community embracing industry, academia and government.