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The Fugitive Eye screening

On Friday the 8th of November, the JMCCCP co-hosted a film screening of The Fugitive Eye with the State Library of South Australia, presented by JMCCCP student member Jane Costessi.
Celebrating the launch of Brian Castro's Chinese Postman

On Thursday the 28th of November, the JMCCCP hosted the launch of the eleventh novel by the acclaimed writer Brian Castro.
[Read more about Celebrating the launch of Brian Castro's Chinese Postman]
Miles Franklin Literary Award shortlist

Dr Hossein Asgari's novel, Only Sound Remains, has been shortlisted for the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award.
Perfect Cadence Podcast: Anna Goldsworthy with Adam Page

This interview is an occasional podcast in a series in which writers talk about music and musicians talk about writing.
[Read more about Perfect Cadence Podcast: Anna Goldsworthy with Adam Page]