Celebrating the launch of Brian Castro's Chinese Postman

On Thursday the 28th of November, the JMCCCP hosted the launch of the eleventh novel by the acclaimed writer Brian Castro.
Chinese Postman, published by Giramondo, was launched by the inimitable Ken Bolton to a packed room in the very beautiful Ern Malley bar in Stepney.
Brian Castro was the first director of the JMCCCP, and is one of Australia’s most important novelists. He has won The Age Book of the Year Award, the Victorian Premier’s Award (three times), the National Book Council Award, the NSW Premier’s Award and the Queensland Premier’s Literary Award and the Prime Minister’s Prize for Poetry. In 2014 Castro received the Patrick White Award in recognition of his significant contribution to Australian literature.
The JMCCCP was proud to host this launch, and it was with pleasure that we gathered to promote and celebrate this important contribution to Australian literature.