Remote Teaching Online Course

Learning Enhancement and Innovation have put together an online course with modules assisting teaching staff with essential resources required to prepare for modified teaching arrangements. The course provides helpful resources and recommendations to assist in transitioning tutorials and lectures from face-to-face to an online format.
The course also contains a Frequently Asked Questions section, where you are able to ask any questions that you may have. Learning Enhancement and Innovation will respond to these questions as soon as possible.
Currently, the course contains the following modules:
- FAQs
- Teaching using Zoom
- Teaching using Echo360
- Active Learning for Remote Students
- Teaching using Video
- COVID-19 Modified Teaching Arrangements
- Assessment
- Discussion Boards
The course is dynamic, and the content is continuously being updated. Once enrolled in the course, you will receive email notifications when new content has been added.
Self-enrol in this course now to access resources and support for remote teaching.