
The Maths Learning Centre (MLC) exists to help all coursework students at the University of Adelaide to engage with mathematics, so that it can support them to reach their goals and to enjoy learning.

If you would like to talk to a tutor about the maths in your course either face-to-face or online, then the best place to go is our Drop-In Centre.

If you would like to find more about our exam revision seminars for specific courses, then check out the revision seminars page.

Inside the MLC

Our Maths Learning Centre exists to help all students at the University of Adelaide succeed in learning and using maths relating to their coursework. This video showcases how we do that.

Making your own sense




A recent video from Howie Hua showed how if you split a collection of numbers into equal-sized groups, then find the mean of each group, then find the mean of those means, it turns out this final answer is the same as the mean of the original collection. He was careful to say it usually [...]



Making the lie true

We at my university regularly sell quite a big lie. At Open Day and the Ingenuity STEM Showcase and any number of outreach activities, students do puzzles and play with construction toys and walk around with ropes and draw curves on balloons. Whether we say it explicitly or not, there is a message there that says: [...]
