Miscellaneous resources
A collection of various handouts, posters and other resources that we created to help with your studies.
Revision worksheets covering year 12 maths
Useful facts
Summaries of useful facts that you can have on hand to help you when you are studying or doing assignments.
Data cards
These data cards depict 32 stick-figure people, with nine variables, both categorical and numerical that can be investigated.
These data cards depict 64 imaginary carnivorous plants, with eight variables, both categorical and numerical, that can be investigated.
These data cards concern 30 films in the DC and Marvel superhero universes, with five variables that can be investigated.
These data cards concern 52 animated Disney feature films from 1937 to 2021, with several variables that can be investigated.
These data cards concern 46 mammals that live at the Adelaide Zoo, with several variables that can be investigated. (Note that the printing file is set up to print two sets of data cards across three pages, one set with a white background and one with a grey background so you can distinguish them.)
These data cards concern made-up creatures called Squeetles, which have spots or stripes, and have a jumping height displayed. They are numbered from 1 to 48, and when split into approximately size 12 groups form sets that can be compared in terms of these variables. There are also some axis labels for making human graphs.
These handouts concern made-up creatures that live on asteroids which can be used to introduce and discuss conditional probability.
This handout lists various probability notation and terminology, and also provides a 100 by 100 grid to help illustrate these terminologies.
Posters that can be used in learning environments, or for your own reference
Solving problems
A chart giving advice for the various stages of problem-solving. You can also read a blog post describing the story of how the problem-solving chart was created.
- Solving Problems handout
- Blog post describing the story of the Solving Problems handout
Assumed knowledge
The assumed knowledge handout contains advice on how to find out about the assumed knowledge in your courses.
SI unit sizes
A video about the sizes and conversion factors between the sizes of SI unit such as kilo, mega, micro etc.
MLC seminars
The MLC has presented several seminars in the past, and each of them has video and/or handouts on its own page, accessible from the side menu.
Alternatively, here is a list of links to the seminars:
- Transition to uni life
- Maths in exams
- Making and using a "cheat sheet"
- Fundamental maths seminars
- Making sense of statistics
- Mathematical play seminars
If you have any questions please contact us by email, mathslearning@adelaide.edu.au, or call 8313 5862.