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Making sense of the effective population size formula

I was going to have a punchy title for this post, with a big moral to apply to the future, but I've decided I'm just going to describe to you what happened yesterday as I tried to learn some Genetics. You see what you can learn from my experience.

You can read the rest of this blog post in PDF form here.

[Read more about Making sense of the effective population size formula]

Counting the story

Combinatorics is one of my favourite topics in discrete maths – that topic which is all about counting the number of ways there are to choose, arrange, allocate or combine things. I like the idea that I could theoretically find out the answer by writing down all the possibilities systematically and literally counting them, but that I can also come up with a quick calculation that produces the same answer by just applying some creative thought. It's this creativity in particular that appeals to me, so much so that I don't call it combinatorics, but "creative counting".

[Read more about Counting the story]

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