Where the complex points are: on a real circle

In 2016 I created the iplane idea, which allows you to locate the complex points on a real graph. Ever since I had this idea, I have wondered on and off about the complex points on a circle. It's time to write about what I've found.

You can read the rest of this blog post in PDF form, along with the other six posts in the series, here.

The titles of the seven posts in the series are:

  • Where the complex points are
  • Where the complex points are on a line
  • Where the complex points are on a parabola
  • Where the complex points are on the graph of a function
  • Where the idea came from for where the complex points are
  • Where the complex points are on a complex line (again)
  • Where the complex points are on a real circle
Tagged in Isnt maths cool