Resources for students studying programs taught by the Adelaide Nursing School.
Drop-In Centre
As the video above describes, we encourage Nursing students to visit the MLC either face-to-face or online to talk about any mathematics that appears while you are doing any of your courses. We're open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday during Semester 1 and 2 teaching weeks and 1pm to 4pm Monday to Friday all other weeks.
Online Resources
The following resources may be helpful to you as you study your courses. More will be added as they are created.
There are times in the Nursing degree when you have to do calculations by hand.
- This video shows an example of doing a numerical long division by hand.
The Making Sense of Statistics page contains lecture videos and handouts to help make sense of the statistics you find in research articles or create yourself. The particular focus is on choosing what statistical method goes with what situation.