
Helen Mayo North Building
Helen Mayo North Building, Ground Floor NG13, D17
Helen Mayo North Building offers not only the latest in electron beam techniques but also optical, confocal, in vivo, live cell and x-ray imaging techniques.
Adelaide Microscopy Reception, Director's office and the majority of staff and instruments are located on the Ground and Basement levels of Helen Mayo North Building.

Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building
Adelaide Health & Medical Sciences Building, Level 1 (see inset map)
Researchers have access to a range of optical imaging equipment including digital slides scanners, Laser Micro-dissection, live-cell Confocal and High Content Plate-based Imaging. For preclinical imaging the AHMS offers the Vevo 3100 in vivo Ultrasound.

Molecular Life Sciences Building
Molecular Life Sciences Building, Ground Floor
Our Bio-imaging facility, opened in February 2023, specialises in optical microscopy and facilitates live biological imaging. Instruments housed within the facility include both core and super-resolution optical microscopes.

Waite facility
Agriculture, Food and Wine (West) Building, WT80, E3
Opened in 2013, the facility currently houses a scanning electron microscope, confocal microscope, laser microdissection microscopes, compound and stereo microscopes and many sample preparation tools.