Waite Facility

In January 2013 Dr Gwen Mayo was appointed as Supervisor of the new Adelaide Microscopy Waite Facility at the University of Adelaide Waite Campus.

Dr Mayo ran a microscopy core technology laboratory at the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics for the last decade. Her research history embraces molecular biology, entomology, horticulture and biological control of weeds. She enjoys the challenge that plants provide in abundance and is looking forward to expanding her networks in the wider microscopy community. Her technical expertise includes specimen preparation, laser dissection, RNA in-situ hybridisation, and immunolocalisation of fresh, cryo and embedded sections for light and electron microscopy. She has been very busy over the last few months refurbishing building 19 on Hartley Road Urrbrae. The facility currently houses a transmission electron microscope, scanning electron microscope, laser microdissection microscope, many light microscopes and sample preparation tools.

Location: Agriculture, Food and Wine Building (formerly Blg 19) Hartley Grove Waite Campus Urrbrae SA 5064

Telephone: +61 8 8313 2237
Email: microscopy@adelaide.edu.au