Candida parapsilosis

Recently Candida parapsilosis has been recognised as four species: C. parapsilosis, C. orthopsilosis, C. metapsilosis and Lodderomyces elongisporus (Tavanti et al., 2005).

These four species are phenotypically indistinguishable and are best distinguished by ITS sequencing or MALDI-ToF MS analysis. Antifungal susceptibility data from the Australian candidemia study also shows no significant differences between the species (Chen et al., 2009; Chapman et al., 2017).

RG-2 organism.

Colonies (SDA) white to cream-coloured smooth, glabrous, yeast-like.

Predominantly small, globose to ovoid budding blastoconidia, 3-4 x 5-8 µm, with some larger elongated forms present.

India ink preparation: 
Negative - no capsules present.

Dalmau plate culture: 
Abundant, much-branched pseudohyphae in a delicate tree-like pattern with 2-3 blastoconidia in small clusters at intervals along the pseudohyphae.

Physiological Tests: + Positive, - Negative, v Variable, w Weak, s Slow, nd No Data
Germ Tube - L-Sorbose +,s L-Arabinose + D-Glucitol +
Fermentation   Sucrose + D-Arabinose - 𝝰-M-D-Glucoside +
Glucose + Maltose + D-Ribose v D-Gluconate -
Galactose + Cellobiose - L-Rhamnose - DL-Lactate -
Sucrose + Trehalose + D-Glucosamime v myo-Inositol -
Maltose -,s Lactose - N-A-D-glucosamine + 2-K-D-Gluconate +
Lactose - Melibiose - Glycerol + D-Glucuronate -
Trehalose -,s Raffinose - Erythritol - Nitrate -
Assimilation   Melezitose + Ribitol v Urease -
Glucose + Soluble Starch - Galactitol - 0.1% Cycloheximide -
Galactose + D-Xylose + D-Mannitol + Growth at 37C +

Key features:
Abundant, much-branched pseudohyphae in a delicate tree-like pattern with 2-3 blastoconidia in small clusters at intervals along the pseudohyphae.

Antifungal susceptibility: Candida parapsilosis (Australian national data and additional ISAV data from Pfaller et al., 2013a); MIC µg/mL.
Antifungal No ≤0.016 0.03 0.06 0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32 ≥64
AMB 1083 2 8 28 133 158 315 349 87 3        
FLU 1084       21 117 307 323 183 84 29 7 8 5
ISAV 441 135 93 118 71 13 5 4       2    
VORI 1006 519 259 139 57 21 6 3 2          
POSA 914 141 225 379 139 27 3              
ITRA 1085 54 130 268 495 122 13 3            
ANID 819     3 19 21 91 284 319 58 24      
MICA 819 1   3 4 11 113 320 267 88 12      
5FC 1085 3 31 314 303 314 107 8 3         2

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