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From Victorian collection to Virtual Museum

The University of Adelaide’s Tate Museum has unveiled a new virtual reality exhibition that can be enjoyed by anyone with a VR headset.

The University of Adelaide’s Tate Museum has unveiled a new virtual reality exhibition that can be enjoyed by anyone with a VR headset.

[Read more about From Victorian collection to Virtual Museum]

Testosterone to prevent type 2 diabetes in men – promising, but no quick fix

The best and safest way to prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes is through healthy eating, along with regular strength training and aerobic activity

A national Australian study led by the University of Adelaide has shown that testosterone may play a role in decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes in men, after two years of treatment.

[Read more about Testosterone to prevent type 2 diabetes in men – promising, but no quick fix ]

Negative impacts of cannabis use during pregnancy

Image of pregnant woman holding her bare belly

The use of cannabis during pregnancy leads to poorer health outcomes for babies, according to research from the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research Institute. The study found that continued use of cannabis at 15 weeks of pregnancy was associated with significantly lower birthweight, head circumference, birth length, and gestational age at birth, as well as with more frequent severe neonatal morbidity or death.

[Read more about Negative impacts of cannabis use during pregnancy ]

University launches expanded Trimester 3 program

Students at the University of Adelaide's North Terrace campus

The University of Adelaide has introduced a significantly expanded program offering for Trimester 3, including a number of programs usually taught only in Semester mode.

[Read more about University launches expanded Trimester 3 program]

The University of Adelaide stands strong globally

University building

The University of Adelaide has reasserted its position in the 2021 QS World University Rankings, placed firmly in the top 1% of world universities, with a ranking of 106, released today.

[Read more about The University of Adelaide stands strong globally ]

COVID-19 research to inform housing policy

Image of (up close) pink corona virus

The University of Adelaide is leading two rapid response research projects to help governments at all levels make the best housing policy decisions during and following the Coronavirus pandemic. The projects are part of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute’s (AHURI) COVID-19 Research Agenda. 

[Read more about COVID-19 research to inform housing policy]

Link between rising use of antidepressants and youth suicide

Black and white image of a young woman, eyes closed

New research from the University of Adelaide and Curtin University and has shown rates of antidepressant use and suicide by young Australians have risen sharply since 2009, raising concerns about the safety of current treatment practices, and the veracity of advice from Australian suicide prevention experts.

[Read more about Link between rising use of antidepressants and youth suicide]

Abuse of Powers of Attorney under the spotlight

Signing a legal document

In the face of increasing concerns about the abuse of Powers of Attorney, legal experts are asking for submissions as part of their review of existing South Australian law.

[Read more about Abuse of Powers of Attorney under the spotlight]

University community in Queen's Birthday honours

Caroline McMillen

Alumni, former staff, and members of the wider University of Adelaide community have been recognised in this year’s Queen’s Birthday honours.

[Read more about University community in Queen's Birthday honours]

$3 million for congenital heart disease research

Image of a baby's hand holding a parent finger

More than $3 million has been awarded to the University of Adelaide’s Robinson Research Institute to identify the predisposing conditions and potentially modifiable factors that can substantially reduce the risk of congenital heart defects. The funding is from the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund’s (MRFF) Cardiovascular Health Mission to boost research into heart disease and stroke. The funding will allow further critical research on understanding the range of factors that contribute to congenital heart defects affecting the lives of many children.

[Read more about $3 million for congenital heart disease research]

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