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Subdued growth for SA, while cost of living crisis eases

South Australia’s economy grew weakly in 2023/24 as a result of capacity constraints and weak household spending growth, according to the latest SA Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) Economic Briefing Report from the University of Adelaide.
[Read more about Subdued growth for SA, while cost of living crisis eases]
Project to purify sperm for IVF success receives funding

The University of Adelaide’s Professor Sarah Robertson has received more than $820,000 to address a significant unmet health need which forms part of the IVF process.
[Read more about Project to purify sperm for IVF success receives funding]
Healthy ideas awarded funding through NHMRC program

University of Adelaide researchers will share in more than $15 million dollars through the latest round of the National Health and Medical Research Council Ideas Grants.
[Read more about Healthy ideas awarded funding through NHMRC program]