News: featured

A return to the wild for better immune health

Community Garden

Revegetating green spaces within cities can improve soil quality and has been linked to human health benefits.

[Read more about A return to the wild for better immune health]

Understanding congenital heart disease

Child holding a heart

Each year in Australia, it is estimated 2,400 babies are affected with congenital heart disease. People with complex and severe congenital heart disease require specialist treatment throughout their life.

[Read more about Understanding congenital heart disease]

Where people burnout most during COVID-19

Nurse sitting on ground

Research is identifying the regions where working adults are more likely to burnout during the COVID-19 crisis: The key is the distance to the epicentre – but not how you might imagine.

[Read more about Where people burnout most during COVID-19]

How to flatten the curve of coronavirus, a mathematician explains

person washing their hands with water and hand soap

Slowing the spread of the coronavirus is of utmost importance for Australians, with the Federal government continuing to provide new updates about hygiene and social distancing requirements to ease the stress on hospital beds. 

[Read more about How to flatten the curve of coronavirus, a mathematician explains]

Debunking the myths and moving mens health forward

Multi-generational men

Our research is informing new approaches to preventative health strategies, delivery of health services and management of common health conditions in men.

[Read more about Debunking the myths and moving mens health forward]

We forget the lessons of past disasters at our own peril

We forget the lessons of past disasters at our own peril

In the context of the terrible fires facing the nation, the telling reflection that “Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it” has salience.

[Read more about We forget the lessons of past disasters at our own peril]

The people behind the cars

The people behind the cars

History will not forget the people and places that made Holden cars an icon of Australia.

[Read more about The people behind the cars]

Curbing chemo

Curbing chemo

Studying immune receptors to reduce chemo symptoms.

[Read more about Curbing chemo]

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