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Book Launch: Default Depression by Anthony Smith
The book launch of Default Depression by Anthony Smith took place at Parliament House on 16 November 2023 hosted by Julian Leeser MP. Jon Jureidini introduced the book (watch here), before Julian launched it with a moving speech (watch here).
[Read more about Book Launch: Default Depression by Anthony Smith]
News: Medical Research Future Fund Grant Success
Prof Jon Jureidini, Dr John Walsh and Dr Melissa Raven have been awarded a MRFF Mental Health Research grant for $904,604 over two years alongside CIA Dr Toby Freeman and his research group (Director of Research at Stretton Health Equity). Funding for the project entitled 'Work and unemployment: vital to effective suicide prevention' will commence on 1 February 2024.
[Read more about News: Medical Research Future Fund Grant Success]
News: CEMH wins Excellence in Consumer Engagement Award at the RRI Symposium
Prof Jureidini, Dr Walsh and Dr Aboustate won the Excellence in Consumer Engagement Award this year at the 2023 Robinson Research Institute Symposium for incorporating lived experience into their work and collaborating with the SA Lived Experience Leadership and Advocacy Network (LELAN).
[Read more about News: CEMH wins Excellence in Consumer Engagement Award at the RRI Symposium]
Recommended article: 'Nobody I’ve been locked up with in a psychiatric hospital felt "proud" of their illness' by Eleanor de Jong
The CEMH recommends Eleanor de Jong's article in the Guardian's Opinion, Mental Health: 'Nobody I’ve been locked up with in a psychiatric hospital felt ‘proud’ of their illness' published 19 Jun 2023.