Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics Prizes

View prizes for students from the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics.

More prizes to be added, please direct any questions to prizes@adelaide.edu.au.

  • Adelaide Choral Society Prize

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    In around 1980, the trustees of the Adelaide Choral Society paid funds to the University for the purpose of founding a Prize for choral or ensemble work. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking study in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program in choral or ensemble work in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who made an outstanding contribution to choral or ensemble work in one of performance, singing, conducting or composition. 

  • Adelaide Law Review Prize for Associate Editors

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    This Prize was established in 1995 and was awarded for the best article submitted to the Australian Journal of Legal History. In 2014, as the Australian Journal of Legal History ceased to exist; the University amended the Rules to award up to four Prizes for students completing the Adelaide Law Review course in the Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Laws (Honours) programs. 

    There will be up to four Prizes awarded annually. Although the Prizes will not bear a cash value, each Prize winner will be offered a paid internship to serve as an Associate Editor of the Adelaide Law Review in the following year.

    To be eligible for the Prize students must be completing the Adelaide Law Review course in the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.  

    The Editors in Chief of the Adelaide Law Review will award the Prize to the students selected to act as Associate Editors. 

      Paid internship      x 4
  • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize

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    In 1914, funds were paid to the University of Adelaide by the Public Schools Decoration and Floral Societies for the purpose of founding a Prize in memory of the late Inspector Alexander Clark. 
    Alexander Clark, a trained tonic solfaist, became an Inspector of South Australian schools in 1884. Under his guidance music secured a place in state supported schooling. Clark was an enthusiastic, committed educator who led by example and encouragement. He was warmly regarded and respected by his peers, teachers and school pupils. He championed the cause of music, pushed for teacher training in the subject, and was its strongest advocate in the public domain. Despite retrenchment from the inspectorate he continued his fight for music and was still teaching and conducting at the time of his death in 1913. In 1890 he co­founded the Public School Decoration Society and inaugurated the annual Thousand Voices Choir concerts, which he skilfully conducted until his death. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have:-
    1. been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program of study in piano, violin, organ, cello or singing at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.
    2. regularly attended a South Australian Department for Education school for at least two years.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated musical talent and promise in piano, violin, organ, cello or singing.

  • Allison Nitschke Memorial Prize

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    In 1992, Lynette and Terry Nitschke made a donation to the University to establish an annual prize in the Department of Geography, Environment and Population in memory of their daughter Allison, for the purpose of encouraging and rewarding excellence in the study of Level I Geography.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed all Level I Geography courses in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the courses stated above.

    Book Voucher

  • Andrew Scott Prize for Latin

    Details Value

    In 1908, £115 was raised and paid to the University by a private subscription in memory of the late Andrew Scott, BA who was a prominent South Australian educator and Principal of the Training School (later the Teachers College) and who fostered the teaching of Latin throughout his career. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course CLAS 2101 - An Introduction to Latin in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course specified above.

  • Angas Parsons Prize

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    In 1946, the Honourable Sir Herbert Angas Parsons, K.B.E., LLB., bequeathed £1,000 to the University to be applied for any purpose of which the Council may decide. In 1947, the Council decided, in commemoration of his services to the University and in order to encourage the advanced study of law, to establish the Angas Parsons Prize. Sir Parsons was associated with the University from 1921 until his retirement in 1945 and was one of His Majesty's Judges of the Supreme Court of South Australia, a graduate of the University, a member of the Council from 1915, Warden of the Senate from 1927 and Vice-Chancellor from 1942 until his death in 1945. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Laws Honours program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the program specified above.

  • Ann Wills Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance) Prize

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    This Prize was established in 2016 by a donation to the University from Mr William Wills AM to establish a prize in memory of his late wife, Ann Wills, who was a former academic staff member and Deputy Head of the Commerce Department.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce program with a major in Corporate Finance at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall GPA (Grade Point Average) for the program stated above. 

  • Anthony Patten Master of Education Prize

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    This Prize was established in 2019 by a donation to the University by Virginia Early, the widow of Anthony Patten (MEd 2018), in recognition of Anthony's belief in the power of education and the wonderful legacy he left in supporting and promoting the educational achievements of students with a disability. 

    To be eligible, candidates must have been undertaking their second year of the Master of Education and have successfully completed a research course in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The prize will be awarded annually to the candidate whose research project is deemed the most outstanding.

  • Archibald Grenfell Price Prize in Geography

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    In 1957, St Mark's College through their College Club, donated £110 to the University to honour Sir Archibald Grenfell Price, Master of the College since its foundation to his retirement in 1957, by establishing a prize in his honour to be known as the "Archibald Grenfell Price Prize in Geography". 
    In 2020, St Mark's College donated further funds to the endowment held by the University to increase the value of the prize in perpetuity and in recognition of the extremely high esteem in which the memory of Sir Archibald is held in the College community, the desirability of his being suitably remembered in the University of Adelaide (to which he devoted so many years, including as a member of the University Council, and as a founder of the Department of Geography), and the respect in which his family is held, as well as the fact that the Prize was initially created by the St Mark's College Club in 1957. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed at least 9 units of third year Geography courses in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest average mark for the courses stated above.

    *If a candidate has completed more than 9 units of third year Geography courses, then only those courses with the highest marks and equating to 9 units will be taken into consideration

  • Archibald Mackie Prize

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    In 1915, the Commercial Travellers' Association of South Australia Inc paid to the University £100 to establish a bursary in memory of Archibald Mackie, a former Secretary of the Association.
    In 2016, the Commercial Travellers' Association of South Australia Inc and the University agreed to update those rules which are now outlined below. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been enrolled full-time and have successfully completed the Level 1 core courses in the Bachelor of Economics program, as follows:-
    a.    ECON 1012 - Principles of Economics I
    b.    ECON 1008 - Data Analytics I
    c.    ECON 1005 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics OR ECON 1010 - Mathematical Economics;
    in the year in which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest total marks for courses stated above.

  • Auditor-General's Department Prize for Accounting Systems and Data Analytics

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    This prize was established by a contribution to the University by the Auditor-General's Department to recognise and support students studying accounting systems and data analytics. 

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the undergraduate course ACCTING 2503 Accounting Systems and Data Analytics in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who obtains the highest mark in the course stated above as. 

  • Auditor-General's Department Prize for Financial Accounting

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    This Prize was established by a contribution to the University by the Auditor-General's Department to recognise and support students studying financial accounting. 

    To be eligible for the prize, candidates must have successfully completed ACCTING 2501 Financial Accounting in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • AJ Schulz Prize for German Culture Level II

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    In 1957, the late Adolf John Schulz bequeathed £2,250 to the University to promote the study of the German language, literature and culture generally. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course GERM 2225 - Contemporary German as part of an undergraduate program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for the course stated above.

  • AJ Schulz Prize for German Culture Level lll

    Details Value

    In 1957, the late Adolf John Schulz bequeathed £2,250 to the University to promote the study of the German language, literature and culture generally. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course GERM 3204 - Upper-Intermediate German B as part of an undergraduate program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for the course stated above.

  • AJ Schulz Prize for Honours German

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    In 1957, the late Adolf John Schulz bequeathed £2,250 to the University to promote the study of the German language, literature and culture generally. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their Honours year of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) program in German Studies in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the top Honours student in German Studies who has produced the best thesis.

  • AJ Schulz SACE Prize for German

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    In 1957, the late Adolf John Schulz bequeathed £2,250 to the University to promote the study of the German language, literature and culture generally. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have:-
    a) completed the continuer's stream of German at the SACE Stage II - Examination in the year prior to the year the prize is being awarded;
    b) accepted a place in any undergraduate program in the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics at the University of Adelaide; and
    c) be enrolled in a course in German at the time the prize is awarded

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest result for the subject as stated in clause 3(a) above.

  • Australian Archaeology Prize

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    This Prize has been established by The University of Adelaide’s School of Humanities’ Discipline of Classics, Curatorial Studies and Museum Studies to reward outstanding performance and to encourage academic excellence in the field of Archaeology.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) or associated double degree in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest mark in either CLAS 2041OL – Archaeology of Roman Pompeii & Herculaneum or CLAS 3028 – Cities Silk & Spice Routes in Roman Archaeology. 

  • A W Bampton Prize

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    This Prize was established by Mr Andrew Davis AM in honour of his grandfather, Mr Albert William Bampton (1891-1954), former Registrar and Accountant of the University of Adelaide. 

    Mr Bampton was a World War I veteran who worked across a range of organisations and committees in Adelaide including the Adelaide University Union, Institute of Accountants, the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, Legacy and the Royal Over-Seas League. He served as the University Registrar and Accountant from 1946-1954 and passed away while still employed in that position. 

    Mr Davies has established this Prize in Mr Bampton's memory to support and encourage students completing the Master of Accounting and Finance at the University. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Master of Accounting and Finance at the University of Adelaide in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the Master of Accounting and Finance.



  • Barony of Ithaka Gold Medal for Excellence in Greek Cultural Studies

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    In 1995 Mr Nicholas C Galatis made a donation to the University for the purpose of encouraging the study of Greek and Byzantine studies through the provision of an annual lecture and prizes. Mr Galatis continues to generously donate funds to the University in support of the prize. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Upper level Greek Cultural Studies course in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the course stated above.

  • Barr Smith Prize for Greek

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    In 1908, the late Robert Barr Smith gave the sum of £150 to the University to provide for an annual prize in Greek. The purpose was varied under a Trust Variation Scheme approved the Attorney General of South Australia on 10 March 2016 to offer an annual prize of $175 per annum or such greater amount as permitted from the income of the Trust Fund from time to time, to the student with the best undergraduate essay with a focus on ancient Greece. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been an undergraduate student of the University studying in the area of ancient Greece in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have submitted the best essay with a focus on ancient Greece.

  • Bonython Prize

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    In consideration of the endowment by the Honourable Sir John Langdon Bonython, K.C.M.G., of the Chair of Law at the University of Adelaide, and in order better to perpetuate his memory, as well as to encourage original contributions to the Science of Law the Council decided to found a prize in his name.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Laws program at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed their final year of a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy in Law at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has written the best original thesis on any legal subject, taking into account original contributions to the science of law.

  • Brian Coghlan Prize for German

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    This Prize was established in 1991 by a donation to the University from friends and colleagues of Brian Coghlan, in commemoration of his services to the University of Adelaide, his scholarly achievements and his contribution to the cause of German Language and Culture and of the Humanities generally in the South Australian community.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Level Ill German Studies courses in the year for which the prize is awarded and have accepted an offer into Honours in German Studies, Honours in German Studies combined with another discipline or been accepted as a candidate to the Master of Philosophy in German Studies at the University.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest combined marks for the courses stated above.

  • Brian Elliot Prize for Australian Literary Studies

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    In 1979, funds were raised by private subscription and donated to the University for the purpose of providing a prize in Australian Literary Studies in honour of Brian Robinson Elliott, M.A.(W.Aust.), D.Litt., D.Univ., a member of the staff of the Department of English Language and Literature from 1940 and Reader in Australian Literature from 1961 until his retirement in 1975.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed an Honours program of study in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest grade for a long essay in English Honours on a topic concerning some aspect of Australian literature as determined by the Head, Department of English, Creative Writing and Film (or nominee).

  • Brisbane Mathews Pianoforte Prize

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    Vera White Mathews died in 1982 and bequeathed funds to the University to establish a prize called 'The Brisbane Mathews Pianoforte Prize'. Brisbane (Hilda) was a piano student of the Elder Conservatorium from 1913-1914. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their first year of a Bachelor of Music program within the Elder Conservatorium of Music in classical piano in the year for which the Prize is awarded and be enrolled in their second year of the program.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed to show the greatest talent ability or promise in classical piano. 

  • Bundey Prize for English Verse

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    In 1912 Ellen Milne Bundey paid to the University £200 to establish an annual prize in poetry, in memory of her parents, the late Sir Henry and Lady Bundey, to be called "The Bundey Prize for English Verse". 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must:
    - be graduates or undergraduates of the University of Adelaide and be enrolled at the University at the date fixed for sending in poems;
    - have been born in Australia (copy of birth certificate or passport must be provided at time of application); and
    - submit a poem in English of not greater than 5 A4 typed pages in length (double spaced) which must be accompanied with the name of the author in full and be submitted on the appropriate form by no later than the 30th of September each year, or such date as determined by the University.

    *The prize shall not be awarded twice to the same candidate.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually in the second half of each year to the candidate who, in the opinion of the selection panel has written the best poem or poems.

  • Byard Prize in English Literature

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1958 by a donation to the University by Mrs Amy Matilda Beddome in memory of her father, the late Douglas John Byard who was once a teacher in the Department of English.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed ENGL 1101 - Introduction to English Literature course in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for the essay component of the course stated above.

  • Catapult Wealth Prize for Fintech and Disruption in Financial Services

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Catapult Wealth to recognise and support undergraduate students at the University of Adelaide.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have completed the course CORPFIN 3005 - Fintech and Disruption in Financial Services in the year for which the Prize is being awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.



  • Charles Fenner Prize for Geography

    Details Value

    In 1957, £100 was raised by private subscription in memory of the late Charles Fenner, 
    D.Sc., a distinguished educator who was Director of Education 1939 to 1946, and given to the University to establish a prize in geography. Prof Fenner assisted in the establishment of the Department of Geography at the University and the study of geography as a full discipline in the Bachelor of Arts. In 2004, Emeritus Professor Frank Fenner, son of the late Charles Fenner, made a further donation to the fund, which increased the value of the prize.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed all Level 2 Geography courses in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest aggregate mark for the courses stated above.

  • Charles Rischbieth Jury Poetry Prize

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    Awarded to the applicant who submits the best poem in English as judged by the Selection Committee. $1,250
  • Chilla Bulbeck Prize

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    This Prize was established in 2013 to honour the contributions and work of Professor Emerita Chilla Bulbeck, a retired staff member of the Department of Sociology, Criminology and Gender Studies in the School of Social Sciences. Emerita Professor Chilla Bulbeck has generously provided funds to endow the prize in perpetuity.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses SOC/ 1003 Introduction to Sociology and SOC/ 1004 Social Problems in the year for which the Prize is awarded.
    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has demonstrated most improvement throughout the semester in terms of essay writing and who actively engaged in and understood the social justice implications discussed weekly in the lecture and tutorial sessions.

  • Christine Horton Prize

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    This Prize was established in 1982 by a donation to the University from Dr Christine Horton, formerly a Senior Lecturer in French. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course FREN 1002-Beginners French A in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • Clement Q Williams Prize

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    In 1959, funds were raised by a committee of former students of Clement Q. Williams, teacher of singing in the Elder Conservatorium from 1948 to 1957 and paid to the University for the purpose of founding an annual Prize to commemorate his work. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate research/coursework program in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in German lieder in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has shown the greatest ability and understanding in the performance of an approved programme of German lieder. 

  • Colin Horne Memorial Prize

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    In 1999, Professor Colin James Horne bequeathed funds to the University for the purpose of established a prize to be awarded to the student who in that year has provided the best study or essay on a poet or an aspect of poetry in English. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed any year of an undergraduate program of study within the Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who submitted the best study or essay on a poet or aspect of poetry in English.

  • Confucius Institute Prize for Chinese Language

    Details Value

    In 2009, the Confucius Institute at the University of Adelaide, with the mission of increasing understanding of Chinese language and culture in the South Australian community, made a donation to the Centre for Asian Studies to encourage and support students studying Chinese. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses CHIN 3007 Chinese IIIA and CHIN 3008 Chinese IIIB in the year for which the Prize is awarded. 

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest marks in the courses stated above. 

  • Constantine Business Scholar (Postgraduate Coursework)

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2023 by a donation to the University of Adelaide from the Constantine Foundation.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration (Advanced) degree at the University in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest grade point average (GPA) at the completion of the relevant program as stated above.

  • Constantine Business Scholar (Undergraduate)

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2023 by a donation to the University of Adelaide from the Constantine Foundation.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), Bachelor of Business or Bachelor of Business (Hons) degree at the University in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest grade point average (GPA) at the completion of the relevant program as stated above.

  • Constantine Law Scholar (Postgraduate Coursework)

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2023 by a donation to the University of Adelaide from the Constantine Foundation.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the Master of Laws program of study at the University in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest grade point average (GPA) at the completion of the program as stated above.

  • Constantine Law Scholar (Undergraduate)

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2023 by a donation to the University of Adelaide from the Constantine Foundation.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) or any Bachelor of Laws double degree program at the University in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest grade point average (GPA) at the completion of the program as stated above.

  • Constantine Trypanis Prize

    Details Value

    In 1981, Mr B Konstas, proprietor of the Greek News, generously provided an endowment to be used to fund an annual prize for outstanding students studying Modern Greek, in memory of Professor Trypanis, a Greek classicist, literary critic, translator and poet. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses MGRE 3201OL Upper Intermediate Modern Greek Part 1 and MGRE 3202OL Upper Intermediate Modern Greek Part 2 in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest marks in the courses stated above.

  • Constantinos and Polymnia Moraïtis Prize

    Details Value

    In 1995 Mr Nicholas C Galatis made a donation to the University for the purpose of encouraging the study of Greek and Byzantine studies through the provision of an annual lecture and prizes. Mr Galatis continues to generously donate funds to the University in support of the prize.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their second or third year of their undergraduate degree and have completed an essay in Greek Archaeology or Greek History in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieves the highest mark for the essay as stated above.

  • CPA Australia Prize for Accounting Theory

    Details Value

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by CPA Australia for a prize in accounting in the Adelaide Business School. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ACCTING 3500 Accounting Theory in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • CPA Australia Prize for Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)

    Details Value

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by CPA Australia for a prize in accounting in the Adelaide Business School. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course, ACCTING 7019 Accounting Concepts and Methods (M) in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • David Hester Undergraduate Honours Prize in Classics

    Details Value

    This Prize was established by donations to the University from the daughters (Stephanie Hester and Alexandra Grove), friends, colleagues and associates of Mr David Albert Hester who was an academic staff member of the Department of Classics for 46 years.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their third year of an undergraduate program at the University of Adelaide in the year for which the prize is awarded, and have been accepted into undergraduate Honours program in Classics at the University of Adelaide.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest overall mark for their third year of their undergraduate program.

  • David Hunter Music Education Prize

    Details Value

    By Deed of Gift dated 8 September 2023, David Hunter (“donor”) pledged a gift to the University to support a prize for students studying music at the University

    To be eligible for the prize, candidates must be undertaking their final year of the Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music (Advanced) at the University of Adelaide in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The prize will be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrates outstanding talent, academic achievement, and musical potential.

  • David Merchant Prize

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    Awarded to an eligible student who achieves the highest mark in their Grade 6 or above AMEB Examinations in Piano, Organ (Pipe) or written examinations in Theory or Musicianship. $250
  • David Murray Prize in Arts

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a contribution by David Murray, late of London, England and Adelaide, Merchant and a former member of the Council of the University, who died in London on 6 January 1907. David Murray bequeathed £2,000 to the University for the Scholarship Fund of the University. The purpose of the prize is to encourage advanced work and original investigation. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) program (or the Bachelor of Arts from 2026 onwards) in the year for which the prize is awarded, and be enrolled in an Honours degree or a Master of Philosophy, the year following the completion of the Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) program (or the Bachelor of Arts from 2026 onwards).

    The Prize will be awarded to the candidate who achieved the highest GPA in the program specified above and who has enrolled in honours or postgraduate study in the year following completion of the program.

  • David Murray Prize in Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by the University by a donation from David Murray, late of London, England and Adelaide, Merchant and a former member of the Council of the University, who died in London on 6 January 1907. David Murray bequeathed £2,000 to the University to be applied towards the Scholarship Fund. The University retitled the David Murray Scholarships to Prizes given the value of the fund. The purpose of the prize is to encourage advanced work and original investigation.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Laws Honours program in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who received the highest mark in the LAW 6006- Honours Dissertation course. 

  • DBH Lawyers Prize in Clinical Legal Education

  • DBH Lawyers Prize in Succession Law

    Details Value

    This Prize was established by donation to the University by DBH Lawyers for the purpose of establishing a Prize for the highest achiever in the undergraduate Bachelor of Laws course Law 2523 Succession. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the course Law 2523 - Succession as part of the Bachelor of Laws program, in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course specified above.

  • DBH Lawyers Prize in Tort Law

    Details Value

    This Prize was established by donation to the University by DBH Lawyers for the purpose of establishing a Prize for the highest achiever in the undergraduate Bachelor of Laws course Law 1507 Tort Law. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the course Law 1507 - Tort Law as part of the Bachelor of Laws program, in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course specified above. 

  • Demosthenes Medal for Consistent Excellence in Ancient Greek Studies

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    Awarded to the most meritorious student who achieves a credit or higher over a period of three or four years in a total of at least three Classics courses with significant Ancient Greek content. Medal only
  • Dentons Fisher Jeffries Prize for Litigation

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    This Prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Dentons for the Adelaide Law School. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the course LAW 3501 - Dispute Resolution and Ethics in the Bachelor of Laws or associated double degree program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above. 

  • Diana Harris Prize for Accompaniment

    Details Value

    The Diana Harris Prize for Accompaniment was established by the University as a result of a contribution by various donors for the establishment of an annual Prize in recognition of Diana Harris' outstanding contribution to both the importance and education of the Accompanist. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate program in classical performance at the Elder Conservatorium of Music and active as an accompanist in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has been active as an accompanist and who shows the greatest aptitude, enthusiasm and participation.

  • Dr Ankit Agarwal Prize for Applying Management Theoretical Concepts in Life

    Details Value

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Dr Ankit Agarwal, who is an academic staff member at the Adelaide Business School. The prize reflects his passion for scholarship and learning and teaching theories by linking them to life experiences at the University of Adelaide. In particular, the prize recognises the high value placed upon applying theories learned in class to life experiences outside the classroom to make sense of who we are and why we act in the ways we do.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must have successfully completed their first year of the Bachelor of Business and have successfully completed COMMGMT 1001 Managing Organisations and People in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who receives the highest mark for the best reflective assignment in the course COMMGMT 1001 Managing Organisations and People on a topic relating to Management, and has demonstrated excellence in the area of writing.



  • Dr Ruby Davy Prize for Composition

    Details Value

    In 1954, Dr Ruby Davy bequeathed funds to the University to found a Prize for the composition of music, in memory of her late mother, Louisa Jane Davy.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed their second year of an undergraduate program in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in composition in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest average mark in all composition courses.

  • E. Harold Davies Prize

    Details Value

    In 1947, £400 (subsequently increased to £500) was raised by private subscription and paid to the University for the purpose of establishing a scholarship or prize to commemorate the work of E Harold Davies, FRCM, who for twenty eight years was Elder Professor of Music and Director of the Elder Conservatorium of Music. He founded the Adelaide Bach Society and the South Australian Orchestra and was responsible for the creation of the Australian Music Examinations Board. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking a program of study within the Elder Conservatorium of Music in organ or classical keyboard in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed most outstanding in organ or classical keyboard.

  • E. Pollard Prize in Economic History

    Details Value

    Professor Jonathan Pincus, while at Flinders University, established a prize for the best student in Economic History called 'The E. Pollard Prize in Economic History'. As the Discipline of Economic History was abolished at Flinders University, Dr Ralph Shlomowitz of Flinders arranged to pay the residual capital sum to the University of Adelaide. The funds were placed in the University's Endowment Fund and are now used for a similar prize at the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ECON 2513 - Global Economic History II in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above. 

  • E.A. Russell Memorial Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established from a contribution to the University by subscriptions from friends of the late Professor E.A. Russell, a member of the academic staff of the University from 1952 and Professor of Economics from 1964 until his death in 1977, to establish a prize in his memory. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Level Ill of the degree of Bachelor of Economics or Bachelor of Economics (Advanced) in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest marks for Level 111 of the programs stated above.

    *If there is more than one candidate of equal merit, then the prize will be shared equally.

  • Economic Society of Australia (SA) Bachelor of Economics Prize

    Details Value

    The Prize was established by the University as a result of a donation from the South Australian Branch of the Economics Society for the degree of Bachelor of Economics.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses:
    a) ECON 2507 - Intermediate Macroeconomics II; and
    b) ECON 2513 - Global Economic History II;
    and be undertaking the second year of the Bachelor of Economics or Bachelor of Economics (Advanced) degree in the year for which the Prize is awarded. 

    The Prize shall be awarded to the candidate who achieved the highest aggregate mark in the courses stated above.

  • Edith A. Puddy Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1961 by a donation to the University from Alliance Francaise of South Australia, to commemorate the long and devoted service of Edith A Puddy to the Alliance Francaise. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course FREN 2202 - Intermediate French B in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • Edith Hubbe and Harriet Cook Prize

    Details Value

    In 1944, £500 was paid to the University by the past pupils of the Knightsbridge School for the purpose of founding, with the income thereof, a prize in memory of the late Mrs Edith H0bbe and the late Miss Harriet Cook, former Headmistresses of that school. Knightsbridge School was a School for girls in Knightsbridge, South Australia (now Leabrook) which ran from 1886 to 1921. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ENGL 3050- Ways of Reading in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course specified above.

  • Edmund Barton Chambers Prize for Evidence and Advocacy

    Details Value

    This Prize was established by the University as a result of a donation from Edmund Barton Chambers to recognise and support students undertaking the Bachelor of Laws program at the University of Adelaide.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course LAW 3502 - Evidence and Advocacy as part of a Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course stated above.



  • Elaine Evelyn Findlay Prize for Popular Music or Sonic Arts

  • Elizabeth Matthews Prize for Woodwind

    Details Value

    Elizabeth Matthews (later Elizabeth Thompson) was a student of piano and oboe at the Elder Conservatorium. She won an oboe scholarship in two successive years (1950 and 1951) and became involved in the Conservatorium Senior Orchestra, the Students' Association and the Youth Orchestral Committee at the ABC. She maintained a strong interest in music and in 2007, donated a sum of money to establish a Prize to reward and encourage an outstanding student of a woodwind instrument at the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be a full-time student of flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon or saxophone in the degree of Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music (Advanced) and have completed all first-year courses in the program and be intending to proceed to the second year of the program as a full-time student in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated the highest quality musical performance on the flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon or saxophone and outstanding potential for further development in the field.

  • Ellice Ruth and Horst Lucke Prize for Comparative Law

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2008 by a donation to the University by Mrs Ellice Ruth Lucke for the purpose of establishing a prize for the highest achiever in the undergraduate Bachelor of Laws course Comparative Law. In 2015, Mr Horst Lucke generously donated additional funds to be added to the capital sum of the prize fund. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest mark in any of the following courses:-
    a)    LAW 2508 - Comparative Law;
    b)    LAW2567 Biodiversity Study Tour
    c)    LA W3505 Aboriginal People and the Law
    d)    LAW3538 International Law Study Tour
    e)    LAW3601 International Law Study Tour B

  • Emilia Karrangis Prize

    Details Value

    In 1995 Mr Nicholas C Galatis gave made a donation to the University for the purpose of encouraging the study of Greek and Byzantine studies through the provision of an annual lecture and prizes. Mr Galatis continues to generously donate funds to the University in support of the prize. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their Honours year in Greek Archaeology or Greek History in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the program stated above as.

  • ESU (SA) Peter Davies Memorial Prize in Creative Writing

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a contribution to the University by English-Speaking Union (SA Branch), in memory of a long-standing former President of the ESU (SA Branch) - Mr Peter Davies, who was also a past SA Coordinator of the Plain English-Speaking Award (PESA) for the School of Humanities.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates have successfully completed the course
    CRWR 1001 – Creative Writing: The Essentials in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • Ethnomusicology Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by the University to encourage the study of ethnomusicology in the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be undertaking Honours in Musicology, with an Ethnomusicology-based research project in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate with the best Ethnomusicology research project. 

  • Eugene Alderman Prize 1 for Violin

    Details Value

    In 1917 a sum was raised by public subscription and paid to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of founding Prizes in memory of the late Eugene Alderman, a teacher of violin in the Elder Conservatorium (1913-1916). 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program of study in violin at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated musical talent and promise in violin.

    A recipient of the Eugene Alderman Prize 1 cannot receive the Eugene Alderman Prize 2 in the same year.

  • Eugene Alderman Prize 2

    Details Value

    In 1917 a sum was raised by public subscription and paid to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of founding scholarships in memory of the late Eugene Alderman, a teacher of violin in the Elder Conservatorium (1913-1916).

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program of study in violin, cello, piano, organ or singing at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated musical talent and promise in violin, cello, piano, organ or singing.

    A recipient of the Eugene Alderman Prize 1 for Violin cannot receive the Eugene Alderman Prize 2 in the same year.

  • Eva Lines Memorial Prize for Piano

    Details Value
    Awarded to an eligible student who achieves the highest mark in their Grade 5 or Grade 6 AMEB Piano Examinations in South Australia. $850
  • Fay Gale Prize in Geography

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2008 by a donation to the University by Professor Fay Gale to establish an annual prize in the Department of Geography, Environment and Population for the purpose of encouraging and rewarding excellence in the study of Cultural or Indigenous or Human Geography. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses GEOG 3010 Tourism and Environment, GEOG 3022 Food Security and GEOG 3024 Geography Matters in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the courses stated above.

  • Film Studies Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Associate Professor Ben McCann, to support the discipline of Film Studies at the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must be undertaking a Bachelor's degree or a Bachelor's (Advanced) degree within the Faculty of ABLE and have completed two Film Studies courses in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who, in the opinion of the examiners, to the Level II or Level Ill Film Studies student who has provided the best essay on a Film Studies topic in that year.

  • Florence Cooke Violin Prize

    Details Value

    On its dissolution in 1960, the Elder Conservatorium Old Scholars' Association donated £ 100 to the University for the maintenance of the prize which had until then been administered by the Association. Florence Emmeline Cooke attended the Advanced School for Girls and in 1899, she won an Elder Music Scholarship for musical composition. In 1900, Florence obtained a Bachelor of Music and in her career she became a noted violinist and teacher of music. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking a program of study within the Elder Conservatorium of Music in violin (Classical or Jazz Performance) in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed most promising and deserving in violin (Classical or Jazz Performance).

  • Franz and Catherine Anders Prize

    Details Value

    In 1944 Julie Sack bequeathed a pecuniary legacy sum to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of establishing two Prizes, the first to be in memory of her parents, Franz and Catherine Anders and the second in memory of her late husband, Gustav Reimers. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program of study in an orchestral instrument at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated musical talent and promise in an orchestral instrument.

    A recipient of the Franz and Catherine Anders Prize cannot receive the Gustav Reimers Prize in the same year.

  • Frederick Bevan Prize for Singing

    Details Value

    In 1952, a sum was paid to the University of Adelaide by a committee of former students of the Elder Conservatorium for the purpose of founding a Prize in singing to perpetuate the name and memory of Frederick Bevan, teacher of singing in the Elder Conservatorium from 1898 to 1935. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student in singing at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed to be the most outstanding in singing.

  • Frederick E Baxendale Prize in Piano

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1969 by the University as a result of a bequest to the University from Frederick Evlyn Baxendale, for the purpose of establishing a perpetual Prize in pianoforte. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate candidate studying piano at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated musical talent and promise in piano. Preference will be given to an undergraduate candidate who is under the age of 18.

  • Frederick Penoyre Adams Prize

    Details Value

    In 1985, Mrs Marjorie Wymark bequeathed funds to the University to establish a Prize to be called the "Frederick Penoyre Adams Prize" to be awarded to a law student. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed both LAW 1501 - Foundations of Law in Semester 1 and LAW 1504 - Principles of Public Law in Semester 2 within the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the courses stated above as.

  • Fredric S Zuckerman Prize for History of the Holocaust

    Details Value

    In 2011, two prizes in the Discipline of History were established from a contribution made to the University by the Zuckerman family in memory of the late Fredric (Ric) Zuckerman. The prizes commemorate his passionate commitment to both scholarship and the teaching of history at the University of Adelaide. In particular, they recognize the high value he placed upon two subjects: Russian History and the History of the Holocaust.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been enrolled in an undergraduate program of study or have successfully completed their Honours year and have completed an essay or thesis on a topic relating to the History of the Holocaust in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have authored the best essay or thesis on a topic relating to the History of the Holocaust.


  • Fredric S Zuckerman Prize for Russian History

    Details Value

    In 2011, two prizes in the Discipline of History were established from a contribution made to the University by the Zuckerman family in memory of the late Fredric (Ric) Zuckerman. The prizes commemorate his passionate commitment to both scholarship and the teaching of history at the University of Adelaide. In particular, they recognize the high value he placed upon two subjects: Russian History and the History of the Holocaust.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been enrolled in an undergraduate program of study or have successfully completed their Honours year and have completed an essay or thesis on a topic relating to Russian History in the year for which the Prize is awarded. 

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have authored the best essay or thesis on a topic relating to Russian History.

  • Galatis Medal for the Best Essay in a First Year Greek Topic

    Details Value
    Awarded to the student with the most outstanding result for a first year Greek essay. Medal only
  • George Cockburn Henderson Prize

    Details Value

    In 1978, donations were raised for the Henderson Jubilee Appeal to commemorate the services to the University of George Cockburn Henderson, formerly Professor of Modern History. 

    In 1981, funds from the Henderson Jubilee Fund were invested by the University to establish a prize in History called the "George Cockburn Henderson Prize". 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed a Level 1 History course in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for the essay component of a course as specified above.

  • George Thompson Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1923 by a donation to the University from the Adelaide Cooperative Society Limited for the purpose of establishing a prize in memory of George Thompson, who was the first Secretary and Manager of the Society. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce program at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded, with a major in one of the following:-
    a)    Corporate Finance;
    b)    Accounting; or
    c)    Marketing;

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has achieved the highest overall Grade Point Average (GPA) for the relevant program with a major as stated above 

  • GKB Chowdary Prize for Entrepreneurial Leadership

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Dr Rajeev Kamineni (Associate Head, Accreditation, at the Adelaide Business School), in honour of his uncle GKB Chowdary. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must complete the course ENTREP 3015-Entrepreneurial Leadership in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above. The winning candidate must also have a minimum Distinction average GPA for their undergraduate program.

  • Gladys Lloyd Thomas Prize for Violin

    Details Value

    In 1945, Miss Gladys Lloyd Thomas donated a sum of money to the University for the purpose of encouraging the study of the playing of the violin at the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student in violin in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate deemed most outstanding in violin.

  • Graham Lawton Prize for Georgraphy

    Details Value

    In 1978, funds were paid by private subscription to the University for the purpose of providing a prize in honour of Graham Henry Lawton, B.A., B.Ed. (Melbourne), M.A. (Oxford), F.A.S.S.A.

    Professor Lawton was appointed Reader-in-charge of the Department of Geography in 1951, established the Honours School of Geography in 1952, was appointed Foundation Professor of Geography in 1959, occupied the Chair until his retirement in 1977, and was awarded the title Professor Emeritus in 1978. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed an Honours Degree majoring in Geography in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for the degree specified above.

  • Guli Magarey Prize for Singing

    Details Value

    The Guli Magarey Prize was established in 1951 by a bequest to the University from Gulielma Magarey who bequeathed funds to the University for the purpose of establishing a Prize for a female singing student of the Elder Conservatorium of Music.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be female and have been undertaking an undergraduate program in singing (Classical or Jazz Performance) in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate deemed most outstanding.

  • Gustav Reimers Prize

    Details Value

    In 1944 Julie Sack bequeathed a pecuniary legacy to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of establishing two Prizes, the first to be in memory of her parents, Franz and Catherine Anders and the second in memory of her late husband, Gustav Reimers. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program of study in an orchestral instrument at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated musical talent and promise in an orchestral instrument.

    A recipient of the Gustav Reimers Prize cannot receive the Franz and Catherine Anders Prize in the same year.

  • H Brewster Jones Prize for Composition

    Details Value

    In 1972, funds were paid to the University by members of the S.A. Guild of Composers for the purpose of founding with the income thereof a Prize in memory of the late H. Brewster Jones, former South Australian musician and composer. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate program in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in composition in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed most outstanding in composition.

  • H Wighton Law Reform Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2015 by a donation to the University from various donors in memory of the late Helen Wighton, who was an academic staff member of the Adelaide Law School. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed both courses LAW 3534A-Law Reform Part A and LAW 35348- Law Reform Part Bat the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest average mark for the courses specified above.

  • Hartley Prize

    Details Value
    Awarded to the commencing student with the highest overall ATAR score (or equivalent) who has accepted a place in any degree in the Faculty of Arts. $1,000
  • Hazel Nankivell Prize

    Details Value

    In 2007, Ms Margaret Pont and Professor John Roberts donated funds to the University to provide for two annual prizes in memory of their aunt Hazel Nankivell and their father, Robin Lea Roberts who studied at the University of Adelaide (BA 1939, B Ee 1956). 
    Hazel Nankivell never went to university. She worked as a manager in a department store and established a family that grew up in Adelaide. However, Hazel valued the benefit of learning and she cared for her brother, Robin (known as Robbie) who was struggling to put himself through the University of Adelaide just before the beginning of the Second World War. She helped him buy books and attend lectures. 
    While this Prize commemorates the student at the University of Adelaide, it is also in memory of all of those who are not students of the University, but who provide support, both material and motivational, to students who strive to learn in the University. 
    The benefactors are pleased that Hazel's generosity can be remembered in a way that so closely mirrors what she was able to do for Robbie, as an award to provide resources for talented students to enjoy a better educational environment. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course CLAS 2101 - An Introduction to Latin in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • Heather Kerr Prize in Postgraduate English

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2019, by a donation to the University from Clement Macintyre and family, in memory of the late Heather Kerr who had a close relationship with the University as a staff member for over twenty years. The prize is awarded once every two years.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been enrolled in a postgraduate degree in the Department of English and Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide within the two-year period immediately prior to the award of the Prize and had published or had accepted for publication, a refereed article in a scholarly journal during the same period.

    The Prize shall be awarded biennially to the eligible candidate who has published, or had accepted for publication, the highest quality refereed article in a scholarly journal.

    *If the article is jointly authored, the Prize money will be adjusted to reflect the share of the work made by the winning student. 

  • Hender Consulting Prize for Managing Organisational Behaviour

    Details Value

    This Prize has  been established by a contribution to the University by Hender Consulting who are creating the Prize to recognise and support postgraduate coursework students in the Adelaide Business School. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the course
    MANAGEMT 7087 - Managing Organisational Behaviour in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • Hon David Bleby SC Prize for Principles of Public Law

    Details  Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Honourable David Bleby SC to the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Laws at the University of Adelaide and complete the course LAW 1504 - Principles of Public Law in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • Hope Crampton Prize for French

    Details Value

    In 1961, the French Club of the University made a donation to the University to establish a prize in French to commemorate the services to the University of its founder, Miss Hope Crampton, a former Senior Lecturer in French.  

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed First Year French courses FREN 1002- Beginner's French A and FREN 1003- Beginner's French B in any program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest aggregate mark for the courses stated above.

    *Should the successful candidate be the recipient of the M Rees George Memorial Prize, then the Prize will be awarded to the candidate who has achieved the second highest aggregate mark in order of merit for the courses stated above.

  • Howard Zelling Prize for Administrative Law

    Details Value

    In 1989, the Honourable Justice Howard E. Zelling made a donation to the University for the purpose of establishing a prize in the subject Administrative Law. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaken the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course LAW 2504 - Administrative Law.

  • Howard Zelling Prize for Constitutional Law

    Details Value

    In 1983, the Honourable Mr Justice Howard E. Zelling made a donation to the University for the purpose of establishing a prize in the subject Constitutional Law. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course LAW 2501 -Australian Constitutional Law.

  • Illa Gervasi Prize for Property Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Nicholls Gervasi in memory of Illa Gervasi for the Adelaide Law School. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the LAW 1511 – Property Law course in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • J.G. Cornell Prize for French

    Details Value

    In 1969, funds were paid by private subscription to the University for the purpose of providing a prize in French to commemorate the services rendered to education, and in particular to the teaching of French, by Professor J.G. Cornell, Head of the Department of French Studies in the University of Adelaide from 1938 to 1969. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in French Studies in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the degree specified above. The highest overall mark shall take into account both coursework and thesis components of the Honours year.

  • JM Coetzee Prize in Creative Writing

    Details Value

    The J M Coetzee Fund was established by a generous contribution to the University by Professor JM Coetzee, who has been associated with the University of Adelaide and the Discipline of English and Creative Writing since 2002. Previously a Distinguished Professor of Literature at the University of Cape Town and the recipient of many international awards for his writing, JM Coetzee has twice won the Booker Prize for his novels, Life & Times of Michael Kand Disgrace, and he was the recipient of the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Honours in the Discipline of English and Creative Writing in the year for which the prize is awarded and have been accepted into a postgraduate research program of study at the University of Adelaide in this Discipline.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who wrote the most outstanding extended piece of writing in the Discipline of English and Creative Writing as part of their Honours program.

  • James Whitehead Prize

    Details Value

    In 1979, the friends of the late James Whitehead, teacher of violoncello from 1959 to 1977, established a scholarship tenable at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in his memory. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be a student of the Open Music Academy in violoncello or undertaking the Bachelor of Music, Honours Degree of Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Music (Advanced) program of study at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in violoncello in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the outstanding candidate of the Open Music Academy in violoncello.

  • Japan Australia Friendship Association Prize for Excellence in Japanese Cultural Studies

    Details  Amount

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Japan Australia Friendship Association (JAFA). 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must be undertaking undergraduate studies with a major in Japanese Studies at the University of Adelaide.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who has shown by their academic performance to be an outstanding student demonstrating the highest level of commitment and enthusiasm for Japanese Cultural Studies courses in the year for which the prize is awarded. 



  • Jean Adelaide Madeline Dent Prize

    Details Value
    Awarded to an eligible student who achieves the highest mark in their Diploma or above AMEB Examinations in violin. $2,500
  • Jefferis Memorial Medal

    Details Value
    Awarded for distinction in the study of Philosophy. $150
  • John Bray Alumni Network Prize

    Details Value

    The John Bray Alumni Network has offered to donate an annual Prize to the University.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws,Bachelor of Laws (Honours) or associated double degree program and have completed the course LAW 1501 – Foundations of Law in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • John Harvey Finlayson Prize for Creative Writing

    Details Value

    In 2011, Virginia Pym Finlayson bequeathed £5,000 to the University in memory of her grandfather, John Harvey Finlayson who died on 30 March 1915- who was a part owner and editor of the South Australian Register. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been enrolled in a creative writing course as part of their undergraduate degree in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who wrote the best piece of work in Creative Writing as part of their coursework program.

  • John Howard Clark Prize and John Howard Clark Scholar

    Details Value

    In 1880, the University of Adelaide received funds by public subscription for the purpose of perpetuating the name of John Howard Clark and for the encouragement of English Literature at the University. John Howard Clark was the Editor of The South Australian Register from 1870 to 1877 and was responsible for its Echoes from the Bush column and closely associated with its Geoffry Crabthorn persona. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize winner will be required to proceed to the Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy by submission of a satisfactory thesis on a subject connected with English literary studies and approved by the Adelaide Graduate Research School. When the thesis has been accepted as fulfilling the requirements for the Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy, the Prize winner shall deposit an approved copy of it in the University Library and then shall be granted the title of "John Howard Clark Scholar''. 

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have the most outstanding results for the Honours degree in English and who proceeds to the Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy in English.

    The Prize is paid in two equal instalments being at the completion of the Honours Degree and upon completion of Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy.

  • John Lorenzo Young Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1913 from a bequest to the University from John Harvey Finlayson, for the purpose of establishing a Scholarship in Political Economy or some cognate subject, in memory of John Lorenzo Young, the founder and proprietor of a school formerly existing in Adelaide, known as "The Adelaide Educational Institution". 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Honours degree of the Bachelor of Economics program in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who, in the opinion of the Head of School (or nominee), School of Economics and Public Policy, authored the best thesis in that year by a candidate for the above stated program.

  • John Perry Prize for International Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Perry family, in memory of their late father The Hon Justice John William Perry AO QC: former Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia and member of the University Council from 1995 to 2004.

    To be eligible for the Prize, students must have successfully completed the subject LAW 1508 - International Law in the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The School Board of Examiners will award the Prize annually to the student with the best dissertation on International Law.

  • John Robert Mitchell Violin Prize

    Details Amount

    In 1979, the Executor of an anonymous deceased donor paid to the University funds for the purpose of providing a prize in memory of John Robert Mitchell, who died in 1943 (aged 55) and had been a student of distinction in the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking their second or third year of a program of study within the Elder Conservatorium of Music in violin (Classical or Jazz Performance) in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate deemed the most outstanding in violin.

    $100 Book or Music Voucher


  • Johnson Winter Slattery Prize in Corporate Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a donation by Johnson Winter Slattery who wish to recognise and support undergraduate students. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the following courses in the year for which the Prize is awarded:
    •    LAW 2598 - Corporate Law
    •    LAW 1510 - Contract Law

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest combined marks for the courses stated above.



  • Joseph Fisher Medal and Prize in Commerce

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1903 by a donation of £1,000 to the University from Joseph Fisher, Esquire, for the purpose of promoting with the income thereof, the study of commerce in the University. The grant provided for a medal awarded annually to a student of Advanced Commerce (The Joseph Fisher Medal for Commerce) and a lecture on a subject relating to commerce to be delivered every alternate year (or as income permits). 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Commerce program with a major in Accounting at the University of Adelaide in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has achieved the highest overall Grade Point Average (GPA) for the program stated above.

  • Josephine Anne Christiansen Bursary

    Details  Amount

    In 1972, Desmond James Christiansen provided funds for an annual scholarship to commemorate his wife, Josephine Christiansen. In 2020, Mr Christiansen bequeathed additional funds to the Elder Conservatorium of Music to be added to the existing scholarship fund. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) program of study in the Elder Conservatorium of Music studying the organ or piano accompaniment or an "endangered instrument" in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded biennially to the most outstanding candidate of the organ or piano accompaniment or an "endangered instrument" (in that order of priority).



  • Justin Skipper Prize

    Details Value

    The Justin Skipper Prize was established in 1943 by the University as a result of a donation of £150 from Stanley Herbert and Kathleen Elizabeth Skipper for the purpose of founding a prize in memory of their son, Captain Justin Way Skipper, late 2127th Battalion, A I.F, sometime student of law in this University, who was killed in action at Gona, New Guinea, on 29 November, 1942. The donors' intention for the prize was to encourage law students who were active participants in the community life of the University. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Bachelor of Laws or the Bachelor of Laws Honours in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have taken the most active and effective part in the general activities of student life within the University during the whole of their course.

  • League of Nations Prize

    Details Value

    In 1923, Tom Elder Barr Smith gave the University £100 to establish an annual prize for an essay connected with the work of the League of Nations. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must:-
    a.    be enrolled in an undergraduate program at the University of Adelaide;
    b.    submit an essay on a topic connected with the work of the League of Nations. Essays must be no less than 3,500 words but not more than 6,000 words (including references, table graphs etc).

    The prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who has submitted the best essay as determined by the Head of Department, Department of Politics and International Relations (or nominee) and one other academic within the same Department.

  • Lienau Prize for Tenor Voice

    Details Value

    In 1958 Christian Hans Augustus bequeathed a pecuniary legacy to the University of Adelaide for the establishment of a Prize for the tenor voice at the Elder Conservatorium.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) tenor at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed to be the most outstanding tenor.

  • LK Law Prize for Contract Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by LK Law.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Law at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed the course LAW1510 - Contract Law in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • LK Law Prize for Dispute Resolution and Ethics

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by LK Law.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Law at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed the course LAW 3501 - Dispute Resolution and Ethics in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • Lucy Josephine Bagot Prize for Operatic Singing

    Details Value

    In 1946, Walter Hervey Bagot donated funds to the University for the purpose of founding, in memory of his mother, a Prize for operatic singing. Lucy Josephine Ayers, (born 1856) was the daughter of Henry Ayers and Anne Ayers (nee Potts). She married John Bagot and was the mother of Walter Hervey Bagot.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been undertaking undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) study in the Elder Conservatorium of Music in operatic singing in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who shows the greatest ability in the performance of an approved operatic aria, together with a general knowledge of the opera.

  • Lynda Tapp Prize in History (Advanced Level Essay)

    Details Value

    In 1972, Adrian Lynda Tapp bequeathed the proceeds from the sale of her property to the University of Adelaide to establish an annual prize in history in the course of the degree of Bachelor of Arts, to be awarded for work at second or third year level and to be known as the Lynda Tapp Prize. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking a Bachelor of Arts (including as part of a double degree or the BA advanced), and have successfully completed Level II or Level Ill History courses in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who wrote the best essay undertaken in a course as stated above.

  • Lynda Tapp Prize in History (Advanced Level)

    Details Value

    In 1972, Adrian Lynda Tapp bequeathed the proceeds from the sale of her property to the University of Adelaide to establish an annual prize in history in the course of the degree of Bachelor of Arts, to be awarded for work at second or third year level and to be known as the Lynda Tapp Prize. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking a Bachelor of Arts (including as part of a double degree or the BA advanced) and have successfully completed Level II or Level Ill History courses in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest combined marks in the courses stated above.

  • Lynda Tapp Prize in History (Honours)

    Details Value

    In 1972, Adrian Lynda Tapp bequeathed the proceeds from the sale of her property to the University of Adelaide to establish an annual prize in history in the course of the degree of Bachelor of Arts, to be awarded for work at second or third year level and to be known as the Lynda Tapp Prize. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts (including as part of a double degree) program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who wrote the best Honours History thesis in the program stated above.

  • M. Rees George Memorial Prize

    Details Value

    In 1933, the South Australian Branch of the League of the Empire and the Old Scholars of the Advanced School for Girls paid £200 to the University to establish a prize in French in memory of the late Miss Madeline Rees George. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed First Year French courses FREN 1002- Beginner's French A and FREN 1003- Beginner's French B as part of a Bachelor of Arts program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the female candidate who achieved the highest aggregate mark in the courses and program specified above. 

  • Mabel Tapp Prize

    Details Amount

    This Prize was established in 1972 by Adrian Lynda Tapp who bequeathed an amount to the University of Adelaide to establish an annual prize in mathematics in commemoration of her sister, Mabel Tapp. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics undertaken as part of the South Australian Certificate of Education in the year prior to that in which the Prize is awarded and be enrolled full-time at the Semester one census date at the University of Adelaide.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the student who achieved the highest academic merit in Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics.



  • Mares-Eaden Prize for Shakespearean and Elizabethan Studies

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2002 by a donation to the University by public subscription for the purpose of providing excellence in Shakespearean and Elizabethan Studies, including the provision of a prize in memory of Francis Hugh (Tim) Mares and Philippa Robin (Robin) Eaden, former members of the Department of English Language and Literature. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking an undergraduate or Honours program at the University of Adelaide and have completed an essay or thesis in Shakespearean and Elizabethan Studies in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who completed the best essay or Honours thesis in Shakespearean and Elizabethan Studies. 

  • Maude Puddy Prize for Piano

    Details Value

    In 1954, £500 was raised by a committee of the former students of Maude Puddy and paid to the University for the purpose of founding a scholarship in piano in her honour. Maude Puddy was a teacher of pianoforte at the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking a program of study within the Elder Conservatorium of Music in piano in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed most outstanding in piano.

  • McGregor Tan Research Prize for Delivering Customer Insights

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by the University as a result of a donation by McGregor Tan Research who wish to recognise and support undergraduate students. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must complete the course MARKETNG 2006-Delivering Customer Insights in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • MF and PJ Manetta Prize

    Details Value

    In 1988, MF and PJ Manetta endowed the Faculty of Law with funds for the purpose of founding a prize in law. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Laws in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have submitted the most original thesis in the program specified above. The most original thesis may be, but will not necessarily be, the thesis gaining the highest marks for the relevant year.

  • Michael Schneider Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2020 by a bequest to the University from Michael Schneider, who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 1956. He published extensively on the history of economic thought throughout his life and worked as a senior lecturer at several universities including the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ECON 3529 - Rethinking Capitalism Ill in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieves the highest overall mark in the course stated above.

  • Mooting Prize for the Best Moot Team

    Details Value

    The University of Adelaide offers a prize for a competition in Moots. Funds were provided to the University of Adelaide in 1972 by The South Australian Barr Association for a prize for a competition in Moots. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have participated in mooting competitions organised by the Adelaide Law School in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the best mooting team. 

    The value of the prize shall be split equally between the members of the winning team.

  • Mrs Arno Pontt (May Gepp) Prize for an Orchestral Instrument

    Details Value

    In 1962 Arno Felix Pontt bequeathed a pecuniary legacy to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of establishing a musical Prize at the Elder Conservatorium of Music.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student of an orchestral instrument at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed to be the most outstanding in an orchestral instrument.

  • N.J. Thomson Memorial Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1995 by a donation to the University by the family and friends of the late Associate Professor Norm Thomson, who was a member of the academic staff from 1971 until his death in 1994. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ECON 3508 - Public Economics Ill or ECON 4015 Public Economics IV (H) undertaken as part of the Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Economics (Advanced) or Honours degree of Bachelor of Economics in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in either course stated above.

  • Natalia Davies Prize

    Details Value

    In 1951, Miss Amylis I Laffer gave £400 the University to perpetuate the memory of Miss Natalia Davies, who was for more than twenty years a teacher of outstanding merit in the Education Department of South Australia. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Level 1 history courses in the year for which the Prize is awarded, provided that the candidate has not previously completed a year's course of study or work at a university.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest marks in the courses as stated above.

  • Norman Chinner Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established by the University as a result of a donation to the University in 1966 by the Adelaide Philharmonic Choir Incorporated for the purpose of establishing a Prize to perpetuate the name of Norman Chinner (1909-1961), a student of the Elder Conservatorium from 1928 to 1937 and conductor of the Choir from 1941 to 1961. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student who has studied organ or classical piano at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who shall have studied organ or classical piano at the Elder Conservatorium for two years or more and shall have shown an interest in choral work and conducting.

    Preference may be given to a student who shows an interest and aptitude for choral accompaniment and the likelihood of a candidate taking an active part in choral work and conducting will be taken into consideration.

  • Norman Waterhouse Prize for Administrative Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by Norman Waterhouse Lawyers. 

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Law at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed the course LAW 2504 - Administrative Law in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course stated above.

  • Norman Waterhouse Prize for Excellence in Mooting

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by Norman Waterhouse Lawyers. 

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Law at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed the course LAW 3516 - Mooting in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • Norman Waterhouse Prize for Family Law

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by the Norman Waterhouse Lawyers.

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Law at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed the course LAW 2512 - Family Law in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • Norman Waterhouse Prize for Law of Work

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by Norman Waterhouse Lawyers. 

    To be eligible for the Prize, candidates must be undertaking the Bachelor of Law at the University of Adelaide and have successfully completed the course LAW 3517 - Law of Work in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • Nylund & Caruso Prize for Meritorious Performance in the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice

  • Odysseus Medal for Advanced Ancient Greek Studie

    Details Value
    Awarded to the student of a level III course with the most outstanding result for an essay on a topic with a significant Ancient Greek focus, excluding Greek History or Greek Archaeology. Medal only
  • Paul Howard Martin Prize

    Details Value

    In 1985 Kathleen Rhonda Smith, who served the University of Adelaide in a secretarial position from 1958 to 1984, bequeathed a pecuniary legacy to the University for the purpose of establishing a Prize to perpetuate the memory of her late son Paul Howard Martin. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student of organ or another classical keyboard instrument at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate deemed most outstanding in organ or another classical keyboard instrument (with a preference for organ).

  • Paul Ian Lobban Prize in Honours English

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2019 by a donation to the University by Rita Lobban, Vanessa Maria Lobban and Karen Nancy Lobban, in memory of the late Paul Ian Lobban who had a close relationship with the University as a student. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed an Honours program in English in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrated the best use of critical theory in their Honours English thesis.

    *Candidates in receipt of other prizes for the same course are not eligible for this Prize.

  • Peter Brooker Prize for Musical Excellence - Highly Commended Student

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established in 2021 by a donation to the University by Dr Peter Brooker BSc 1965, BSc (Hons) 1966, PhD (Mathematical Physics) 1970 to recognise the best performance of a work of classical repertoire at the annual student showcase concert held by the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be enrolled in an undergraduate program of study in music at the University in the year for which the Prize is awarded and perform at the annual concert for students or another public concert held by the Elder Conservatorium of Music.

    Candidates who have received the Peter Brooker Prize for Musical Excellence - Top Performing Student, are not eligible for this Prize.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed to have given a highly commended performance of a work of classical repertoire at the annual concert for students as part of the Elder Conservatorium of Music's public concert series.

    If the Student Showcase Concert is not held in any given year, the Prize may be awarded to a highly commended performance of a work of classical repertoire in another public concert held by the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

  • Peter Brooker Prize for Musical Excellence - Top Performing Student

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established in 2021 by a donation to the University by Dr Peter Brooker BSc 1965, BSc (Hons) 1966, PhD (Mathematical Physics) 1970 to recognise the best performance of a work of classical repertoire at the annual student showcase concert held by the Elder Conservatorium of Music. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must be enrolled in an undergraduate program of study in music at the University in the year for which the Prize is awarded and perform at the annual concert for students or another public concert held by the Elder Conservatorium of Music.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed to have given the most outstanding performance of a work of classical repertoire at the annual concert for students as part of the Elder Conservatorium of Music's public concert series.

    If the Student Showcase Concert is not held in any given year, the Prize may be awarded to the most outstanding performance of a work of classical repertoire in another public concert held by the Elder Conservatorium of Music.

  • PGC Legal Prize for Corporate Governance

  • Philippa McAuliffe Prize for Academic Excellence

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 2024 by a donation to the University from the estate of Philippa McAuliffe in honour of her enduring legacy. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed
    MUSHONS 4001 - Honours Music Research Methodology in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course stated above. 

  • Philip Tighe Memorial Medal and Prize

    Details Value

    In 1999, the University's Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies established an annual prize to reward outstanding performance in the field of Environmental Studies. In 2013, Mary Therese Tighe bequeathed funds toward the capital of the prize fund.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the core courses for the Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management program in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the program specified above.

  • PKF Adelaide Prize for Accounting Foundations

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by PKF Australia to recognise and support undergraduate students at the University of Adelaide.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must undertake the course ACCT/NG 1004 -Accounting Foundations in the year for which the Prize is being awarded.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in the course state above.

  • Professor Sir William Mitchell Essay Prize

    Details Value

    In 1987 funds were given to the University by Mrs J R Thomson to honour the memory of her father, the late Professor Sir William Mitchell, Hughes Professor of English Language and Literature, and of Mental and Moral Philosophy (1894-1916), Vice-Chancellor (1916-1942), and Chancellor of the University (1942-1948). The donor's wish was that the gift would be applied to the benefit of Philosophy students at the University of Adelaide.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed one or more Level Ill Philosophy courses in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark of all essays submitted for the courses specified above.

  • Professor Sir William Mitchell Prize for Honours Philosophy

    Details Value

    In 1987 the sum of $20,000 was given to the University by Mrs J R Thomson to honour the memory of her father, the late Professor Sir William Mitchell, Hughes Professor of English Language and Literature, and of Mental and Moral Philosophy (1894-1916), Vice-Chancellor (1916-1942), and Chancellor of the University (1942-1948). The donor's wish was that the gift would be applied to the benefit of Philosophy students at the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the prize, candidates must have successfully completed an Honours program of study in Philosophy in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained first class Honours in Philosophy and achieved the highest Honours mark as determined by the Head of Department, Philosophy.

  • Professor Tew's Prize for Level 1 Economics

    Details Value

    In 1949, Professor Brian Tew, Professor of Economics in the University of Adelaide from 1946 to 1949, gave £ 100 to the University to establish a fund for the purpose of providing prizes in the School of Economics. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been enrolled full-time and have successfully completed the Level 1 course ECON 1012 - Principles of Economics in the Bachelor of Economics program in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for courses stated above.

  • Rae Cocking Memorial Prize for Singing

    Details Value

    In 2007 funds were donated to the University from donors and proceeds from the Rae Cocking Memorial Concert. The fund provides an annual Prize to an undergraduate or single studies singing student of the Elder Conservatorium of Music. The Prize in intended to commemorate this well-loved Adelaide soprano who taught at the Elder Conservatorium for 18 years. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be an undergraduate or an Open Music Academy student of the Elder Conservatorium of Music in singing in the year for which the Prize is awarded. 

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrates outstanding talent, application and attitude in singing. 

  • Redarc Electronics Prize for Enterprise Project

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by Redarc Electronics to recognise and support postgraduate students at the University of Adelaide.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have completed either MANAGEMT 7121 -Enterprise Project (B) or MANAGEMT 7117 - Enterprise Project.

    The Prize will be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtains the highest mark in either of the courses state above.



  • Robert Whinham Prize

    Details Value

    In 1900 the Trustees of the late Robert Whinham gave the University funds for the purpose of providing a yearly Prize to a classical voice student who has participated in an Elder Conservatorium opera production and who gives the best interpretation of a principal operatic role. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been a classical voice student within the Elder Conservatorium of Music and have participated in an opera during the year for which the Prize is awarded. 

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who gives the best interpretation of principal operatic role.

  • Robin Lea Roberts Honours Prize for Roman/Latin Studies

    Details Value

    In 2007, Ms Margaret Pont and Professor John Roberts made a donation to the University to provide for two annual prizes in memory of their aunt Hazel Nankivell and their father, Robin Lea Roberts who studied at the University of Adelaide (BA 1939, B Ee 1956). Robin Roberts (or Robbie to his friends) graduated from the University of Adelaide in the classics prior to the Second World War. While he also took out an economics degree after the War, it was always classics that were the love of his life. He valued learning and believed that any well-rounded education needed an understanding of classical languages and literature to be complete. Robbie became an airline pilot, a school teacher and a senior executive but through his diverse career, he never lost his passion for the classics. He would be well pleased that students from his alma mater, the University of Adelaide (for which he had a considerable affection and respect) are able to learn a little more and understand a little better as a result of this prize.  

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed an Honours degree with a major in Classics (Roman or Latin studies) in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest overall mark in the program stated above.

  • Roy Frisby Smith Prize

    Details Value

    In 1964, Mrs Margaret Casley Smith and her son Dr John Royle Casley Smith made a donation to the University to establish, in memory of the late Roy Frisby Smith, a prize in law and in particular in company law or, in the event of such prize not being awarded in any year, otherwise to further and encourage the study of company law in the University. Mr Roy Frisby Smith was mainly interested in company law and drew up the Company Act for South Australia which was in force until 1963. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking the Bachelor of Laws program in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course LAW 2598 - Corporate Law.

  • R.W. Bennett Prize

    Details Value
    Awarded to candidates who pass with high distinction or distinction in any subject for the Ordinary degree of Bachelor of Laws and who are recommended by the Board of Examiners, provided that in each case the Board is of the opinion that the candidate's performance in the subject is of exceptional merit. $190
  • School of Education World Teacher's Day Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established by the School of Education to recognise and support students in the field of education at the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be in their final year of the Bachelor of Teaching or Master of Teaching in the year for which the Prize is awarded and be a member of a professional association.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest GPA in the program stated above.

  • Selborne Moutray Russell Prize for Male Voice

    Details  Amount

    In 1947, the sisters of the late Selborne Moutray Russell donated funds to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of providing in his memory, Prizes tenable at the Elder Conservatorium.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be male and have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student of voice at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded. 

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the male candidate deemed most outstanding in voice. 



  • Selborne Moutray Russell Prize for an Orchestral Instrument

    Details Value

    In 1947, the sisters of the late Selborne Moutray Russell donated funds to the University of Adelaide for the purpose of providing in his memory, Prizes tenable at the Elder Conservatorium.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have been an undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) student of an orchestral instrument at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed most outstanding in an orchestral instrument.

  • Sir Archibald Strong Memorial Prize for Literature

    Details Value

    In 1948, Misses Ruth and Alfreda Bedford, gave £500 to the University on behalf of their sister Sylvia Bedford, to provide for an annual prize for literary work in memory of Sir Archibald Strong, formerly Jury Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Level II and/or Level Ill courses in the Department of English, Creative Writing and Film in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who is deemed to have written the best literary essay, prose work or poetry work in the courses as stated above.

  • Springer Nature Prize in Digital Humanities

    Details Value

    This prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Springer Nature – a global publishing company, for a prize in digital humanities in the School of Humanities. 

    To be eligible for the Prize students must have successfully completed their Undergraduate Program in 2023 with a Major in Digital Humanities.

    The Prize will be awarded to the eligible candidate majoring in Digital Humanities with the highest overall GPA for their completed undergraduate program.

  • Stow Prize for Law I

    Details Value

    In 1883, funds were donated to the University for the purpose of founding Prizes in memory of the late Randolph Isham Stow, once a Justice of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of South Australia. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed all of the following courses of the Bachelor of Laws program at the University of Adelaide:
    • LAW1501 - Foundations of Law; and
    • LAW1504 - Principles of Public Law; and
    • LAW1507 - Tort Law; and
    • LAW1508 - International Law.

    The Prize shall be awarded each year to the graduating student who achieved the highest combined mark for the courses stated above.

    A candidate may receive more than one Stow Prize for their studies.

  • Stow Prize for Law II

    Details Value

    In 1883 funds were donated to the University for the purpose of founding Prizes in memory of the late Randolph Isham Stow, once a Justice of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of South Australia.

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed all of the following courses of the Bachelor of Laws program at the University of Adelaide:
    • LA W1509 - Commercial Transactions; and
    • LAW1510- Contract Law; and
    • LA W1511 - Property Law; and
    • LA W2599 - Criminal Law.

    The Prize shall be awarded each year to the graduating student who achieved the highest combined mark for the courses stated above.

    A candidate may receive more than one Stow Prize for their studies.

  • Stow Prize for Law Ill

    Details Value

    In 1883, funds were donated to the University for the purpose of founding Prizes in memory of the late Randolph Isham Stow, once a Justice of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of South Australia. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed all of the following courses of the Bachelor of Laws program at the University of Adelaide:
    • LAW2501 -Australian Constitutional Law; and
    • LA W2502 - Equity; and
    • LAW2504 - Administrative Law; and
    • LA W2598 - Corporate Law.

    The Prize shall be awarded each year to the graduating student who achieved the highest combined mark for the courses stated above.

    A candidate may receive more than one Stow Prize for their studies.

  • Stow Scholar and Medal for Law

    Details Value

    In 1883, funds were donated to the University for the purpose of founding Prizes in memory of the late Randolph Isham Stow, once a Justice of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of South Australia. 

    A candidate who has received the Stow Prize for Law I, Stow Prize for Law II and Stow Prize for Law Ill will be known as the Stow Scholar and shall receive the Stow Medal.

  • Sylvia Chan Prize for Chinese Studies

    Details Amount

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by Mrs Sylvia Chan, a highly respected staff member and distinguished researcher in the Centre for Asian Studies in support of students studying Chinese at the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must be enrolled in a Bachelor degree with a major in Chinese Studies, or the Diploma in Languages (Chinese Studies) in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the best overall result for Chinese Studies courses at any level of the programs stated above.



  • Taylor Collison Prize for Business Finance

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a contribution to the University by Taylor Collison to recognise and support undergraduate students in the Adelaide Business School. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be enrolled in a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Commerce (Honours), Bachelor of Finance (Honours), Bachelor of Finance and Banking or associated double degree and have successfully completed the undergraduate course CORPFIN 1002- Business Finance in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who obtained the highest mark in the course CORPFIN 1002- Business Finance and who has a minimum GPA of a distinction.

  • Thelma Dent Memorial Prize

    Details Value

    The Thelma Dent Memorial Prize was established in 1979 by the University as a result of a contribution by friends and pupils of the late Thelma Dent, a teacher in the Elder Conservatorium from 1974 to 1978, for the purpose of establishing a scholarship in pianoforte in her memory.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have been undertaking a program of study within the Elder Conservatorium of Music in piano in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate deemed most outstanding in piano.

  • Thomas Gepp Prize

    Details Value

    This Prize was established in 1950 by a bequest to the University from Florence May Pontt, in memory of her late father, Thomas Gepp. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must have successfully completed the course
    LAW 2573 - Private International Law as part of the Bachelor of Laws program, in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded in the years in which that subject is offered by the Adelaide Law School to the candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course specified above.

  • Thomas Gepp Prize in Veterinary Pathology

    Details Value

    The Prize was established in 2013 by a contribution to the University by Mr TL W Gepp (a Roseworthy Graduate (RDA 1939) in memory of his Great Grandfather, Thomas Gepp (1809 - 1894), the first veterinary surgeon in South Australia and a horse trainer. Gepps Cross is named after his brother, Isaac who opened the Gepps Cross Inn in 1848.

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed Level 1 of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program and have successfully completed the courses VET SC 7009RW - General Pathology and VET SC 7010RW - Systems Pathology in the year for which the prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who obtained the highest average mark in the two courses stated above.

  • Tinline Prize in History

    Details Value

    In 1907, George John Robert Murray, K.C., B.A., LL.B., then a member of the Council of the University, paid £1000 to the University for the purpose of founding a scholarship to be called 'The Tinline Prize' in memory of his mother's family. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their Honours year of the Bachelor of Arts in the year for which the prize is awarded, and have completed their Honours thesis in the field of British Imperial or Australian History.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest mark for their Honours thesis.

  • Tommy Norman Prize for Jazz Performance

    Details Value

    The Tommy Norman Prize for Jazz Performance was established in 2005 from donations to the University by Mrs Kim Norman and other various donors, who originally established the Tommy Norman Awards for Jazz Performance in memory of Mrs Norman's late husband, Dr Tommy Norman, in recognition of his love for jazz, particularly in the latter years of his life. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be an undergraduate student of the Elder Conservatorium (including Honours) and be majoring in jazz performance in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrates excellence in jazz performance throughout their studies. Priority will be given to jazz piano, but if there is no suitable pianist, then the Prize may be made for a different instrument (or voice).

  • Tormore Prize

    Details Value

    In 1921, the old scholars of Tormore House School paid £130 to the University to establish a prize to perpetuate the memory of the said school. The T ormore School was a private boarding and day school for girls in North Adelaide, South Australia. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the course ENGL 1101 - Introduction to English Literature in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the female candidate who achieved the highest mark in the course specified above as.

  • UniSuper Prize in Portfolio Theory and Management

    Details Value

    This Prize has been established by a donation to the University by UniSuper to recognise and support undergraduate students at the University of Adelaide. 

    To be eligible for the Prize candidates must be enrolled in a Bachelor of Finance and Banking or a Bachelor of Commerce or associated double degree and complete the course CORPFIN 3501 - Portfolio Theory & Management in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the eligible candidate who, obtains the highest mark in the course named above.

  • Vera May Swift Prize for Honours English

    Details Value

    Vera May Swift (‘donor’) died on 15 December 1944 and bequeathed one‐third share of her residuary estate to the University of

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed their Honours degree in English in the year for which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who writes the best Honours English thesis.

  • Weimar-Ohlstrom Prize for German II

    Details Value

    In 1956, Mrs Leonore Ohlstrom gave £300 to the University to establish annual prizes in German in memory of her late husband, Patrick Andreas Ohlstrom. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses GERM 2203 - Intermediate German A and GERM 2225 - Contemporary Germany in the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest marks in the courses stated above.

  • Weimar-Ohlstrom Prize for German III

    Details Value

    In 1956, Mrs Leonore Ohlstrom gave £300 to the University to establish annual prizes in German in memory of her late husband, Patrick Andreas Ohlstrom. 

    To be eligible for the prize candidates must have successfully completed the courses GERM 3225 - Introduction to German Literature and GERM 3204 - Upper­Intermediate German Bin the year in which the Prize is awarded.

    The Prize shall be awarded annually to the candidate who achieved the highest marks in the courses stated above.
