Induction Events

As part of your Induction to the University, new starters are invited to the following:

  • Manager's Induction

    The Manager's Induction program is designed for managers who are new to the University or new to a leadership role within the University. The program gives managers an overview of how the University works enabling them to integrate into the University and become effective in their role quickly. Please visit the Manager's Induction program for further information.

  • New Starter Events

    Welcome to the University of Adelaide!

    We invite you to come together with other new starters at our New Starter Welcome Event!

    Our next event will take place on Wednesday 26 June from 9:15 AM.
    You’ll have the opportunity to engage with University Leadership and forge connections with new colleagues.

    The event will be a wonderful way to start to immerse yourself in the vibrant spirit of our University community – we look forward to seeing you there.

    If you're a new starter (continuing or fixed term) who joined the University between 25 March and 14 June keep an eye out for your invitation with further details. If you don't receive an email, feel free to reach out to our HR Organisational Performance team at

    • New starters who commence between 15 June and 11 November will be invited to the following event on Wednesday 27 November.
    • New starters who commence after 11 November will be invited to the first event in 2025.  

    Stay tuned for updates about future events.