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Pneumococcus - a global challenge

Pneumococcus under the microscope

Pneumococcal infections can have significant impact on both the very young and elderly populations, ranging in severity from relatively mild upper respiratory tract conditions, right through to pneumonia, meningitis and febrile bacteremia.

[Read more about Pneumococcus - a global challenge]

HSW Procedure - Workplace Monitoring

Staff feedback is sought on the revised HSW Workplace Monitoring Procedure. The review has updated responsibilities arising from organisational change and incorporates the Workplace Inspection Process required of the University under an Enforceable Undertaking. Comments can be submitted via the draft policies page before close of business Friday, 18 November.

[Read more about HSW Procedure - Workplace Monitoring]

Time for a health or skin check? 

During November and into December at North Terrace, Waite and Roseworthy campuses you can book in for a free health check including general health and skin cancer checks. 

[Read more about Time for a health or skin check? ]

HSW Procedure - Warden Network

Feedback is sought on a new HSW procedure – Warden Network. The procedure extracts content from the current HSW Emergency Management Procedure to more directly support the warden network. Feedback and comments can be submitted via the draft policies page by close of business Friday 18th November 2022.

[Read more about HSW Procedure - Warden Network]

Test your scammer detector

Can you spot a scam? Try this nifty test from ABC News designed to give you more information about the many ways scammers can trick you, then steal your money, personal information, and passwords.

[Read more about Test your scammer detector]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness month

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has some great resources to help you better understand how to protect yourself. Try the ‘How cyber secure are you?’ quiz or the ‘Have you been hacked?’ tool to find out more.

[Read more about October is Cybersecurity Awareness month]

Education book launch

The School of Education is celebrating the launch of four new academic books on Wednesday 9 November from 4–6 pm in the ThincLab foyer, Nexus Building, 10 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.  The books explore teacher well-being, social inclusion, and psychology and science. Register attendance on or before 7 November.

[Read more about Education book launch]

ADEPT-student co-creation of learning

Learn how student co-creation and student experience can transform teaching and enhance student learning outcomes. ADEPT - Student partnership and co-creation of learning is a Zoom presentation on Thursday 3 November from 10 am to 12 noon. Register here before Monday 31 October.

[Read more about ADEPT-student co-creation of learning]

Children's University graduations assistance

Children's University graduations will be held in Bonython Hall during 7–10 and 14–17 November, welcoming CU members and their families on campus. Volunteers are required for all these graduation nights (from 5–8pm). Please contact Emma Scott for more details and if you can assist.

[Read more about Children's University graduations assistance]

UniForum Professional Staff Activity Benchmarking

The University is taking part in a benchmarking study of professional staff and support services to provide insight into professional activities and services that support our teaching and research programs. The second progressive data collection starts this month and has been extended to include casual staff.

[Read more about UniForum Professional Staff Activity Benchmarking]