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Host Families Wanted
The English Language Centre is seeking host families to accommodate students from Korea and Japan.
Hosting a student offers many rewards and benefits including cultural exchange and the chance to help students improve their language skills. Contact us at for more information.
Wikipedia workshops
Two special free workshops presented in partnership with Wikimedia Australia cover everything you need to know to make the most of the world’s largest online encyclopedia.
Spotlight a history maker
From winning medals, advancing discoveries and breaking glass ceilings, or simply going the extra mile for those around them, there are so many people doing great things in the University of Adelaide community. We want to celebrate their stories in the wider community and need your help. Go online to nominate your inspiring history maker.
Fellowship honours paediatrics expert
Professor Jennifer Couper, Head of the Discipline of Paediatrics at Adelaide Medical School, has been elected as a fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
Research Internship Webinar for HDR Supervisors
If you are interested in hearing more about research internships and want the opportunity to have your questions answered, please join the Graduate Research School on Wednesday 26 October. More information and to register.
[Read more about Research Internship Webinar for HDR Supervisors]
Understanding research integrity
The Australian and International community expects research to be conducted responsibly, ethically and with integrity. Learn more about researcher responsibilities and the research principles outlined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018). Visit the Research Integrity website.
Access changes to Library Level 1 North
Level 1 North of the Barr Smith Library is currently undergoing an exciting refurbishment. There will be no access to Level 1 North from 17 October – early December 2022. Level 1 South continues to be open as normal. There have also been some collection moves outlined here.
Learn to Program: Python
This beginner live-coding workshop assumes no previous experience with any programming language. We will write programs that analyse data and produce results, using the researcher-focused training modules from the Software Carpentry Foundation. Course description and to register.
Traversing T-Tests in R
This live-coding introductory workshop to statistical comparisons and hypothesis testing in R will look at manipulating data, checking assumptions, applying statistical tests. Familiarity with R and RStudio, plus basic programming concepts is assumed. Wednesday 26 October. More information and to register.
Learn to Program: R
An introductory, live-coding workshop, for fundamental programming concepts and applying them to a data analysis workflow. Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 October. More information and to register.