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A global battle for low-skilled workers looms after COVID. Australia needs to be part of it
Australia has been built on immigration. In recent years it has been skilled migration, and that will continue to be important to us, especially as we recover from the COVID economic malaise.
Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?
By Jade Lindley, Hannah Bongiovanni, and Dominique Eastwood.
[Read more about Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?]
Diminishing Public Trust? Pushback against ICAC?

Recent amendments to the Independent Commissioner against Corruption Act in South Australia have narrowed definitions of misconduct, maladministration and corruption reducing the ICAC’s powers. This pushback is examined in this webinar. Had the ICAC over-reached? Did it need its wings clipped? Or might something else have been in play?
[Read more about Diminishing Public Trust? Pushback against ICAC?]
Corruption, Conflict of Interest, and Whistleblowing in Public Administration

The webinar Corruption, Conflict of Interest, and Whistleblowing in Public Administration, organized jointly by the International Anti-Corruption Academy, the Stretton Institute, and the Centre for the Study of Corruption at the University of Sussex, explores the types of corruption that exist in public administration and examines intervention strategies. It focuses on integrity breaches, conflict of interest and whistleblowing, and illustrates with corruption in a specific sector.
[Read more about Corruption, Conflict of Interest, and Whistleblowing in Public Administration]
Online Symposium Foreign Aid Policy: Japan - Australia cooperation in a COVID world

The Stretton Institute with financial support from the Japan Foundation Sydney office, and in collaboration with the JICA Ogata Sadako Institute for Peace and Development in Tokyo held a half-day online symposium on Foreign Aid Policy: Japan-Australia Cooperation in a COVID World on 15 July 2021.
A failure of artificial intelligence – or bureaucratic bastardry?
By Professor Adam Graycar and Dr Adam Masters.
[Read more about A failure of artificial intelligence – or bureaucratic bastardry?]
Recognising corruption in local government
By Professor Adam Graycar and Dr Allen Yates
[Read more about Recognising corruption in local government]