External Engagement

We regularly engage with the community to analyse key policy issues in depth. 

Stretton in the media

Title People Date
‘US interest in the Pacific Islands tested at Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders’, 9DashLine
Joanne Wallis and Henrietta McNeill 12 September 2022
‘A new office of Southeast Asia: what lessons can be taken from the Office of the Pacific’, The Intel
Joanne Wallis 8 September 2022
‘Can the Pacific Islands Forum learn anything from ASEAN?’, East Asia Forum
Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles 14 August 2022
‘The future of Australian diplomacy in the Pacific’, National Security Podcast
Joanne Wallis and Ian Kemish 11 August 2022
‘Key to Pacific relationship is education: ours, not theirs’, Sydney Morning Herald
Joanne Wallis and Ian Kemish 9 August 2022
‘Australia must listen to Pacific countries on defence issues’, The Canberra Times
Joanne Wallis and Gordon Peake 23 July 2022
‘The US in the Pacific: delivering on commitments or déjà vu?’, The Strategist
Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles 15 July 2022

‘Expanded, empowered PIF could lock in Pacific security’, 360info

Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles 11 July 2022
‘An expanded, empowered Pacific Islands Forum could lock in Pacific security’, RNZ
Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles 19 July 2022
‘Australia’s Pacific Policy Under the ALP: Heading in the Right Direction?’, Australian Outlook
Joanne Wallis and Maima Koro 7 July 2022
‘Engaging with the Pacific: the legal angle’, Lowy Interpreter
Joanne Wallis, Sarah McCosker, and Melissa Conley-Tyler 5 July 2022
‘An Albanese-Ardern alliance in the Pacific: A step forward?’, The Strategist
Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles 25 May 2022
‘Framing China in the Pacific Islands’
Australian Outlook: 
Asialink Insight: https://asialink.unimelb.edu.au/insights/framing-china-in-the-pacific-islands)
Joanne Wallis, Angus Ireland, Isabel Robinson, and Alicia Turner 21 April 2022
‘Alarm over China-Solomon Islands deal brushes over limits of our ‘influence’ in Pacific’, The Sydney Morning Herald
Joanne Wallis and Czes Tubilewicz 20 April 2022
‘It’s time to talk to, not at, the Pacific’, The Strategist
Joanne Wallis and Anna Powles 28 March 2022
‘Joining the “Barty party” in foreign and defence policy’, The Interpreter
Joanne Wallis and Rebecca Strating 1 February 2022
‘Tongan disaster highlights lack of coordination in regional response’, The Strategist
Joanne Wallis, Henrietta McNeill, and Anna Powles 28 January 2022
When the Indigenous voice referendum is upon us, be wary of misinformation and scare campaigns’, The Guardian
Lisa Hill with Gabrielle Appleby 7 September 2022
‘Voluntariness, Mandatory Return and Democratic Legitimacy: A Response to Bauböck and Ruhs (2022)’, (with Valeria Ottonelli), Commentary for ‘The Ethics of Migration Policy Dilemmas’ project, Migration Policy Centre (MPC), European University Institute (EUI). Tiziana Torresi 2022
Building trust in government is as important as catching wrongdoers’, Sydney Morning Herald and the Age (Melbourne)
IBAC Daniel Andrews inquiry: Building government trust as important as catching wrongdoers
Adam Graycar 9 November 2022
'When it’s ‘lawful but awful’: an integrity commission for rich Australia', The Mandarin
When it’s ‘lawful but awful’: an integrity commission for rich Australia (themandarin.com.au)
Adam Graycar 16 June 2022
'When Is a Gift a Bribe?', PA Times (American Society for Public Administration)
Adam Graycar and David Jancsics 11 April 2022
‘Sustainable catch: navigating global fisheries crime’, The Interpreter
Adam Graycar 14 March 2022
Adam Graycar 'Is corruption on the rise in Australia? That’s the perception', Pearls and Irritations
Adam Graycar 7 February 2022