Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct provides guidance about the types and standards of conduct the University expects from students and sets out how every student can expect to be treated by their peers. 

About the Code

  • What is a Code of Conduct?

    Conduct is a term used to describe how we behave and how we interact with other people in our communities. All members of the University community are expected to behave in ways that support the safety and inclusion of all members of the Community and have a responsibility to ensure that their behaviour does not adversely affect other members of the University Community, the University itself, or the community at large. 

    This Student Code of Conduct provides guidance about the types and standards of conduct the University expects from students and sets out how every student can expect to be treated by their peers. 

  • To whom does this Code apply?

    If you are enrolled at the University of Adelaide then this Code applies to you, including when you are: 

    • undertaking activities related to your study, including clinical placements, internships, practicums, field trips, study away, exchange and study abroad, and examinations; 
    • representing the University of Adelaide, for example, promotional activities, competitions or sporting activities; 
    • on any property owned or leased by the University of Adelaide, whether or not this location is connected to your study; 
    • using University IT resources or other equipment referred to in the IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy
    • on any University owned, managed, affiliated or branded student accommodation, including Aquinas College, Lincoln College, St Ann’s College, St Mark’s College, and Scape; or 
    • participating in activities or events organised by the Adelaide University Union (YouX), Adelaide University Sport, or their affiliated organisations or clubs. 
  • What happens if the Code is breached?

    Conduct that warrants criminal investigation may be referred to the relevant law enforcement agency. 

    A breach of this Code may constitute misconduct. Allegations of a breach of the Code will be considered in accordance with the Student Misconduct Policy or other relevant policy and penalties may apply. 

Code of Conduct

  • Honesty, Respect, and Integrity

    Students at the University of Adelaide are expected to: 

    • Treat staff, other students, and visitors to the University with respect and courtesy. 
    • Respect freedom of speech, including in academic work. 
    • Be accountable for their personal and academic decisions and conduct. 
    • Demonstrate honesty and integrity in their interactions with the University. This includes not engaging in fraud, providing false documents (e.g. transcripts, medical documentation), or presenting work for assessment that is not their own. 
    • Refrain from behaving in a way that threatens the physical or emotional well-being of others, including bullying, slander, sexual misconduct, vilification, or discrimination. 
    • Comply with all State and Federal laws. 
  • The University and its Community

    Students at the University of Adelaide are expected to: 

    • Respond to directions by those authorised to give them, including issues related to access to campus spaces, assessment and examinations, and behaviour on University premises. 
    • Ensure that they have permission if undertaking the audio or visual recording of any individual, group, or activity. 
    • Respect the privacy of staff and students, including not divulging confidential or personal information. 
    • Use information communication technology facilities, including email, website, and library resources appropriately, and in accordance with the University’s IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy
    • Refrain from disrupting academic or official social/cultural activities. 
    • Avoid behaviour that may detrimentally affect others’ ability to engage with their studies or enjoy University life. 
    • Not seek or obtain access to University property/spaces to which they are not authorised to have access. 
    • Not misuse, interfere with, endanger, damage, steal or cause the loss of any property or facilities, or digital assets which are owned or controlled by the University or which are lawfully on University premises, including intellectual property.
  • University Rules and Governance

    Students at the University of Adelaide are expected to: 

    • Comply with all University policies, procedures and rules. 
    • Be responsible for their own enrolment, and completion and submission of assessment. 
    • Comply with any discipline specific codes of conduct that may apply to them and their future profession, including while on placement. 
    • Identify themselves (and to produce a Student ID card within a reasonable time of being requested) when asked to do so by a University staff member (e.g., by a security officer or examination invigilator).

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