How Does It Work?

Global IQ Connect is a short, highly engaging on-campus (and online) employability program offering a mix of workshops and opportunities to engage with fellow students from diverse backgrounds (e.g. academic degree, gender, ethnicity, physical/mental ability, nationality).

Program basics

  • Five consecutive weeks; one topic per week
  • The same workshop will be offered three times per week. You will be able to state your preference for any of those delivery days. The Global IQ Connect Coordinator will, however, ultimately decide based on workshop capacity limits and the cultural diversity available in each workshop.Choice between the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday workshop session
  • Workshop for entire group of participants offered on-campus or through zoom, including small group discussion with your matched group members (110 minutes per workshop).
  • Weekly task encouraging you to reflect on what you learned and on your cultural  experiences
  • Expected time commitment: 2.5 - 3.0 hours per week (max. 15.0 hours in total) over period of five weeks.
  • Receive a certificate of completion (for details please see conditions below) 
  • On-campus workshops will be limited to 40 participants, and may be cancelled if there are less than 20 participants
  • Online workshops will be limited to 30 participants, and may be cancelled if there are less than 20 participants. 
  • If you participated in the program prior to 2020 you can participate again. But if you participated and completed the program already once between 2020 and 2024, you are, unfortunately, not eligible to participate again. The same applies if you participated in most workshops in a round, yet ultimately didn't complete the program. 

    2025 - Round 1 

    Applications open: Monday 24 February 

    Employability Programs Information session: Tuesday 18 March (3:00 - 4:00 pm); Book here

    Program-specific Information session: tbc (will be online)

    Applications close: Friday 28 March (11:59 pm)

    Confirmation (through MyUni): Friday 11 April 

    Start of Round 1: 29 April (Tuesday group), 30 April (Wednesday group) or 1 May (Thursday group) - immediately after the public holiday

    End of Round 1: 27 May (Tuesday group), 28 May (Wednesday group) or 29 May (Thursday group)

    Social event concluding Round 2 (all participants; non-compulsory): 6 June (2:00 - 4:00 pm) 


    2025 - Round 2   

    Applications open: Monday 28 July 

    Information session: tbc

    Applications close: Sunday 3 August (11:59 pm)

    Confirmation (through MyUni): Friday 8 August

    Start of Round 2: 12 August (Tuesday group), 13 August (Wednesday group) or 14 August (Thursday group)

    End of Round 2: 9 September (Tuesday group), 10 September (Wednesday group) or 11 September (Thursday group)

    Social event concluding Round 2 (all participants; non-compulsory): 19 September (10:00 am - 12:00 noon)

  • 1: Apply for the program

    Apply to take part in Global IQ Connect Program

    We do our best to match each and every student who registers, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will be able to place you, as it depends on the number of students who register and their respective cultural backgrounds.

    You have the option to be matched as a group of 4 - 5 students by us, or to self-match, i.e. decide that there are specific students you would like to be matched with (in application form 'Self-Matched'). Please note, however, that your fellow student(s) will have to be from different cultural backgrounds. By choosing the self-matched option, you can avoid being disappointed and can determine up to four fellow student(s). All of you will, nevertheless, need to register separately for this program. NOTE: This program is all about managing unfamiliar settings and meeting diverse fellow students.

    Once the application deadline has passed the matching will commence. 

  • 2: Essential parts of the program & time commitment

    Once the matching is completed you will be added to the MyUni course and put into the matched group. 

    Each week you will have discussions with your matched group members as part of the workshop session. You will be able to discuss the task, reflect on the role culture plays in your life and in the way you react to situations, and introduce your respective cultures to each other. Building a genuine connection with your group members is essential to your intercultural skills development and an important part of this program.

    You need to be able to commit 10.0 - max. 15.0 hours (i.e. 2.0 - 3.0 hours per week) over the period of 5 weeks when participating in the program. If you know that this, however, will not be possible, please don't apply and don't let the Global IQ Connect program coordinator match you. 

    It is crucial that you record the time you spend in the cultural workshops and for the tasks. Your time log is one of the three prerequisite to obtaining the certificate. In case you currently are, or will in the future be participating in the Adelaide Graduate Award and wish to have your Global IQ Connect hours count towards that program, then you will also need a copy of your time log. 


  • 3: Culture and Cultural Intelligence ('CQ')

    Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the capability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations, including national, ethnic, organisational, generational, physical & mental capability, professional background, etc. The research behind Cultural Intelligence is based on the extensive research undertaken of other forms of intelligence, such as academic intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), etc. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is specifically focused on capabilities in culturally diverse settings. (Cultural Intelligence Center, USA).

Program rules

  • Conditions to obtaining a certificate of completion

    • Attend four out of the five cultural workshop sessions (110 minutes each)
    • Submit three out of the four tasks
    • Submit your time log with a list of hours engaged in the workshops and other related activities. 
  • Credit - Adelaide Graduate Award

    Participation in Global IQ Connect can also be counted toward the Adelaide Graduate Award, a free program available to all currently enrolled students, which recognises your extra-curricular activities.

    Your certificate may be used as evidence for 10.0 -15.0 hours (depending on what you submitted) toward the Adelaide Graduate Award. You can claim up to 15.0 hours with a copy of your certificate and of your timelog as evidence. If you want to claim more than 15 hours, you must keep a detailed journal of all your hours and have your Global IQ Connect partners sign off on the meetings and provide their contact details as a referee for the award. 

    For more information on the Adelaide Graduate Award, please visit the Adelaide Graduate Award website.

  • Credit - Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST)

    HDR students can claim participation in Global IQ Connect towards their CaRST credits. After completing the program, HDR students can claim up to 10.0 in-class hours of CaRST credits in Domain D, and upload their certificate of completion as evidence in CaRST Online. If you require assistance with the self-recording process, please view the ‘Self-recording an Activity’ guide available in the Help section of CaRST Online.

    Activities cannot be claimed for both CaRST and the Adelaide Graduate Award, so HDR students participating in the Adelaide Graduate Award will need to decide which program to claim Global IQ Connect against.

    For more information on CaRST, please visit the CaRST website

  • Personal safety and inappropriate behaviour

    We anticipate that all students will have a fun and rewarding experience in the Global IQ Connect program. Moreover, you have the right to feel safe at all times – and if your matched students behaviour makes you feel overly uncomfortable, then it is your responsibility to speak up. Your personal safety is a priority.

    Living and socialising in an unfamiliar environment is not easy, particularly if that new environment presents cultural norms and habits which seem or indeed are different from the ones you are used to. You might question whether a certain behaviour is right or wrong, therefore acceptable or not. You might not understand the cultural context which in turn can create great uncertainty. Although you shouldn’t ever feel unsafe, remember that feeling slightly uncomfortable initially is all part of the experience of learning about another culture.

    It is extremely important to know about, respect and also set personal boundaries. The understanding and interpretation of what is considered ‘personal boundaries’ is certainly not the same in all the countries around the world. An example of that are the varying greeting rituals. In some countries people kiss each other on the cheek one or several times, even if they meet for the first time. In other parts of the world that would be unthinkable, or even considered unacceptable behaviour. It would be called ‘Inappropriate behaviour’.  

    Whatever the local cultural norms might be, if you feel unsure about a specific behaviour you are experiencing while being in the Global IQ Connect program, then please speak up. Do not accept inappropriate behaviour! Immediately get in touch with Annette Wheatley, Cultural Intelligence Programs Coordinator, by phone (tel: 8313 2284), e-mail ( or by meeting with Annette on campus.

    Be safe, keep safe!