Cross-Institutional Study for Classics Major Students

The Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics has organised a special arrangement with the University of New England for Classics major students.

Any Honours or higher degree work in the areas of ancient history, archaeology or philosophy or related areas of ancient culture requires at the very least expertise in one or more ancient languages. As the University of Adelaide does not offer a full complement of these courses, you will be permitted to study a limited number of units of either Ancient Greek or Latin at the University of New England (UNE). These courses will be counted toward your Classics major to meet the requirement for entry into Honours. The major awarded will be Classics, not Latin or Ancient Greek. 

Please note:

  • You will apply as per the normal outbound Cross-Institutional process.
  • Dr Jacqueline Clarke has negotiated special conditions for University of Adelaide students enrolling in these courses:
  • Level I UNE courses will be permitted to count as
  • Level II Classics credit towards your Major Level II and III UNE courses will be permitted to count as Level III Classics credit towards your Major
  • You will be authorised to enrol in the UNE courses before your semester 1 results are released (a normal condition of enrolment)
  • UNE runs courses over three terms, which do not align with the University of Adelaide semesters. Second term
  • UNE courses begin during the University of Adelaide's semester 1 exam period. Any UNE assessments you may have will not be due until after the completion of the exam period
  • It will be your responsibility to manage your personal exam schedule with the UNE timetable