Forms, Policies and Documents
You will find all relevant forms and policies to help you with your studies below.
Enrolment forms and documents
To add a course after the last day to add online, but before the census date. Late enrolment request or class swap To add a course after the last day to add online, but after the census date. For students requiring a variation to their current enrolment past the census date, due to special circumstances. Course or class full resolution form If you receive a 'class full' error, you are encouraged to select another class to enrol into. Timetable clash resolution Please fill in this form if you have a timetable clash. Prerequisite waiver request If you try to enrol in a course without having completed the prerequisite listed in Course Planner, you will receive an enrolment error. Use this form to enrol without the prerequisite, if you have received approval from the course coordinator. Unit overload request Use this form to request enrolment into more than the allowed maximum number of units in a semester. -
Academic forms and documents
Assessment extension For assignment extensions. Appropriate supporting documentation must be included. Application for academic credit For students wanting to apply for credit for previous study.
Completion request form All eligible trimester-based students must use this form to obtain program completion. Students enrolled at the University of Adelaide may apply to study courses offered by other universities cross-institutionally. Cross-institutional study (non-University of Adelaide students)
Students enrolled at other universities may apply to study courses offered by the University of Adelaide cross-institutionally. Non-award study Non-award study is a great way to find out what university study is like as the course does not go towards an award (degree). Non-award students attend lectures and tutorials, and are assessed and examined with students who are completing undergraduate degrees. Please read the non-award study enrolment instructions prior to submitting your application. Discontinuation of studies If you no longer wish to continue your studies, you should withdraw from all of your courses via MyAdelaide, taking into account the critical withdrawal dates and then complete this form.
Internal transfer You may change your mind on your career path during your studies. To undertake an internal transfer, lodge an application. Leave of absence application for domestic students A Leave of Absence (LOA) allows coursework students to suspend their studies for up to a year while remaining admitted to their program (degree) at the University of Adelaide Leave of absence application for international students A Leave of Absence (LOA) allows international coursework students to suspend their studies while remaining admitted to their program (degree) at the University of Adelaide Letter request Verify your enrolment details, study load, completion details, conferral and holiday dates. Request a degree check Use the degree check feature to ensure you have completed the correct courses or find out your eligibility for completion. Replacement examination Modified Arrangements may be provided to a student in the event that their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assignment or examination was, is or will be significantly impaired as a result of medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances. Schools may offer students another alternative form of assessment, instead of an exam. Greenscreen studio access request ABLE STUDENTS ONLY - This form is ONLY for students enrolled in MDIA 2336 – Stories on Screen. HDR research grant allocation form ABLE STUDENTS ONLY - This form is intended for HDR candidates who have received HDR research support grant funding. Cross-institutional studies for classic majors students ABLE STUDENTS ONLY - The Faculty of ABLE has organised a special arrangement with the University of New England for Classics major students. Practical/compulsory component exemption form SET STUDENTS ONLY - Use to request exemption from practical components in courses. Missed compulsory component form – School of Physical Sciences SET STUDENTS ONLY - Use this form if you missed a compulsory graded component of your course during the current semester due to medical or other reasons. Variation to program rules SET STUDENTS ONLY - This form is for use by students who wish to present an alternative course in lieu of a course listed in the academic program rules. Suitability will be assessed by the Program Directors (formerly called a permission to present). Informal learning credit application form SET STUDENTS ONLY - In some instances, you may be eligible for credit through work experience, volunteering or workplace training. Travel and field trips SET STUDENTS ONLY - Information for travel and field trips - School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Q Fever vaccination information sheet SET STUDENTS ONLY - School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Vaccination guidelines SET STUDENTS ONLY - School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Animal and Veterinary sciences - Absence from Compulsory Teaching Activity SET STUDENTS ONLY - For students who need to apply to be absent from a compulsory teaching activity, such as a tutorial, workshop, practical or DVM rotation class - School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Inherent requirements - veterinary bioscience and veterinary medicine SET STUDENTS ONLY - For all students undertaking the Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. School of Biological Sciences, practical component SET STUDENTS ONLY - Practical Component for Level II BIOCHEM, GENETICS and MICRO Courses Student-Led Teaching Award SET STUDENTS ONLY - Students can nominate staff for the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology Student-Led Teaching Award. Expression of Interest for Defence Enterprise and Nuclear and Radiation Physics Majors SET STUDENTS ONLY – For students who would like to register their interest in the Defence Enterprise or Nuclear and Radiation Physics Majors. This is a EOI only. A formal application process will follow. -
Academic progress by coursework students This policy describes ways the University can identify and support coursework students if their academic performance becomes unsatisfactory. Conditions of enrolment Please read the rules about studying at the University of Adelaide. This policy sets out the requirements and structure of coursework programs at the University.
Student Complaint Resolution Process The Student Complaint Resolution Process website provides information and clear steps to assist you in lodging an appeal or making a complaint about a decision or determination made by a member of University staff or related parties who represent or act on behalf of the University, including Education Agents. Student-related policies A one-stop-shop for all student-related policies—from assessment and exams, disability, fees and charges, to syllabuses and academic program rules, plus much more.
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Student Feedback
We encourage students to provide feedback on their course and campus experiences that explicitly relate to their home Faculty. Student feedback can assist the faculty in identifying areas for course and program improvements or acknowledge and elevate positive impacts on the student experience with the faculty that should be exemplified across the whole student body.