Timetable Clash Resolution

Can't enrol online because of a timetable clash?

If you can't resolve this yourself - e.g. there is a conflict between two lectures and no alternative times - you can request a timetable clash override using this form. 

You must first attempt to enrol before an override request will be considered. If you have experienced a timetable clash, an Enrolment Request ID number will be generated in Access Adelaide. This number must be recorded on the form below so the Timetabling Teams can assess the enrolment request.

Requests are usually processed within 5-10 working days. Priority will be given to requests submitted for the immediate semester. 

Resolution form

ABLE form
Does this clash involve a lecture?
Personal details
Degree information
The course you wish to enrol into

All classes eg a lecture, tute, etc are identified by a unique class number. Class numbers can be found on the relevant course’s entry on Course Planner under Course Details.

The course you are already enrolled in
Approval and understanding for overriding clashes for enrolment

Note: Timetable clashes will still need to be managed. Please make yourself aware of the online resources available to you and make contact with the relevant course coordinators to determine if measures can be put in place for work missed as a result of a clash.

Approval of this clash does not constitute approval of your course selection. It is your responsibility to check that your enrolment complies with your academic program rules.

Please refer to Access Adelaide to confirm your request has been processed and to confirm your class times.

Please agree with the statement below.

HMS form
Student information
Timetable clash information

(from Access Adelaide)

Course 1 (Enrolment Complete)
Course 2 (Enrolment Clash - Unable to Enrol)
Supporting documents

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

SET form
Personal details
Degree information
The course you wish to enrol into
The course you are already enrolled in
Approval and understanding for overriding clashes/overload for enrolment
I understand the implications of my enrolment and the clashes/overload that will occur. I am prepared to accept responsibility for the consequences of this clash/overload.

Note: Timetable clashes will still need to be managed. Please make yourself aware of the online resources available to you and make contact with the relevant course coordinators to determine if measures can be put in place for work missed as a result of a clash.

Please refer to Access Adelaide to confirm your request has been processed and to confirm your class times.
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