Water Efficiency
There is potential to conserve water in all campus buildings, and laboratories provide the biggest opportunities for savings.

What we are doing
We have made significant investments in reducing the University's mains water consumption, including:
- Rainwater tanks for research
- Low-flow taps in bathrooms
- Specialist laboratory equipment
- Upgrade of campus irrigation systems to use recycled water
- Landscaping with endemic species, drought tolerant plants and shade producing trees.
- Buildings: Molecular Life Sciences, Engineering Maths, Santos, Barr Smith South, Schulz, Physics, Waite Campus
- Cost: $71,936
- Lifetime savings: $2 million
- Lifetime water savings: 806,093kL
- Lifetime GHG emission reduction: 1,762 tonnes CO2-e
- Average payback period: 14 years
What you can do
Laboratory processes, sanitation, air conditioning and specialist equipment require a lot of water, particularly when compared to office spaces and kitchens. For example, one litre of reverse-osmosis water typically takes 4 to 5 litres of water to produce. It may be habit to use high-quality water (de-ionised, reverse osmosis or distilled) for everything in a lab, but it's not always necessary.
- Use the lowest grade water appropriate to the task.
- Switch off high water-use equipment such as reverse osmosis or water distillers when not using them.
- Identify high water use lab processes and ask your supervisor if this process can be changed.
- If diluting chemicals, reduce the flow and only run taps as long as necessary to achieve the appropriate concentration.
- When washing lab ware, put the plug in and fill the sink rather than using running water.
- If using water to cool or sanitise equipment, investigate opportunities for water re-use, such as pumps to recirculate the water through a system so that water is recycled.
- Report dripping taps through the Infrastructure website by Requesting a Service (plumbing).