Adelaide Medtech Hackathon

Adelaide Medtech Hackathon

The Adelaide MedTech Hackathon is an intensive innovation program that is open to all South Australian tertiary students and the general public.

The MedTech Hackathon will incorporate four workshops in semester 2 of 2025 facilitated by industry and academic leaders in  sustainability, medicine, and innovation. Participants will also have access to formal mentoring sessions with knowledge­ specific practitioners, to accelerate teams through the process of creating, developing, assessing, and executing your ideas. Teams will then pitch their innovative ideas to a panel of judges for the chance to win prizes. 

For latest updates on the 2025 hackathaon, follow the ADL Medtech Hackathon here. For further enquires, please email the team.

    Adelaide Medtech Hackathon

    When: TBA

    Time: 5.30pm - 8.30pm

    Where: Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building (AHMS) and Nexus 10 Building

    Registrations open soon, check back in early 2025. 

    • Key Challenge

      The Adelaide MedTech hackathon aims to address the challenges associated with healthcare. With a focus on medical dilemmas and sustainability, we hope to make meaningful contributions towards environmentally sound healthcare waste management, preventing successive adverse health and environmental consequences. Additionally. we aim to discover the dilemmas that healthcare professionals are currently facing, in hopes to generate new ideas to improve efficiency and efficacy in providing holistic patient care. As part of the medical technology theme, we also hope to explore advancements that have the potential to positively impact healthcare practices. 

      What is A Hackathon?  

      A Hackathon is a competition-style event where teams from different disciplines get together for a short period of time to collaborate on a project to solve a well-defined problem. 

    • Who can enter?

      Open to all tertiary students across all disciplines in South Australia and the general public. You can join individually or as a part of a team. If you like to solve problems, generate ideas, and want to help solve problem of healthcare waste, then you can participate! 

    • Key Dates


      Date and Time 


      Workshop 1:  



      Workshop 2:  



      Workshop 3: 



      Pitching and Awards Ceremony  



    • Mentors and facilitators

      The Adelaide Medtech Hackathon will deliver a series of workshops delivered by industry and academic leaders in sustainability, medicine, and innovation. 

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