Field Calls

We offer farm visits and on-site clinical consultations to assess and treat your animals in the field.

By appointment, our vets will visit your farm in an ambulatory field vehicle, fully stocked with equipment and medication. Emergency field calls are available weekdays 8:30am to 5:00pm, and afterhours pending veterinarian availability. Please call 08 8313 1999 if you require a field appointment. 
*50km radius.


Free Travel Wednesday

Great news! Free Travel Wednesday is here to stay. Free Travel Wednesday is applicable to properties within a 30km radius. If you exceed a 30km radius, the first 30km's is free! 

Please phone 08 8313 1999 to book an appointment - these bookings are popular, so book promptly to secure your preferred appointment time. 

How a field call works

  • When you make an appointment, we’ll discuss your location and where and how the patient will be housed for a clinical examination.
  • A team consisting of a veterinarian, veterinary students and a technician will travel to your location.
  • You or someone who knows the symptoms and history of the patient will need to be present.
  • Payment via EFTPOS or cash is expected at the time of service in the field. VetPay can be processed in-clinic, with your consent.
  • In some instances, a patient may need to be transported to our hospital for further procedures or tests. If further treatment is required, we will refer the animal to our barn where monitoring, fluid administration and observation will occur.

Book a field call