News: Dogs
Why are dogs scared of the vet and what can I do to help?

Investigating the bark side of veterinary care is ruff (I shih tzu not!)
[Read more about Why are dogs scared of the vet and what can I do to help?]
How to enjoy a safe and enjoyable beach walk with your dog this summer

University of Adelaide animal behaviour expert Petra Edwards shares her top six tips for walking your dog on the beach.
[Read more about How to enjoy a safe and enjoyable beach walk with your dog this summer]
Changes to companion animal service opening hours

Changes to our companion animal services from Monday December 20.
[Read more about Changes to companion animal service opening hours]
What makes vets feel good at work?

Researchers investigate the positive side of veterinary work and what brings vets pleasure in their job.
Scientists seek Pomeranian dogs for new gene study

Researchers are seeking Pomeranian and PomX dogs for a free and simple mouth swab to identify how widespread a defective gene is in the breed's Australian population.
[Read more about Scientists seek Pomeranian dogs for new gene study]
Puppy Preschool at the Companion Animal Health Centre

Take your puppy to uni! Register your interest in courses starting in July, August and September.
[Read more about Puppy Preschool at the Companion Animal Health Centre]
Free advice, Free sample - solutions for itching and scratching

Spring is here and summer is on the horizon. During this time vets see an increase in skin conditions in both dogs and cats.
[Read more about Free advice, Free sample - solutions for itching and scratching]
Protect your dog against parvovirus, warn experts

Experts warn Adelaide dog owners to make sure their animals are fully protected against the deadly parvovirus.
[Read more about Protect your dog against parvovirus, warn experts]
Don’t lose your pet; update your microchip data

A lost animal with out-of-date microchip details is no more identifiable than a stray animal with no ID.
[Read more about Don’t lose your pet; update your microchip data]