Small Animal Dentistry

Visit our hospital at Roseworthy for dental checks, cleaning, polishing and advanced dental techniques which are a necessary part of the health of your cat, dog, rabbit or other small animal.
Dentistry in animals is similar to as it is with people. Poor dental health in dogs and cats can result in other diseases forming such as organ damage and infections.
At the time of your pets annual health check, a vet will grade your pet’s dental status. Dental disease is categorised into four stages: 1 is minor and 4 requires major dental work.
Dental procedures
If dental work is required for your pet, we will give you a estimate of the cost and time required to complete the procedure. Dental procedures are done under a general anaesthetic and will require your pet to stay for the day.
After the dental work is performed, a nurse or vet will provide you with information about how to care for your pets dental health moving forward. This may including teeth brushing or dental diets.
Dental diets
We may recommend that your pet undertakes a dental diet which will promote cleaning and the removal of bacteria from your pet’s teeth. These diets are common practice in dental care.
Don’t wait for an annual check up if you are concerned about your pet’s teeth.