Laser Labs
Laser Diagnostic Systems for Investigating Reacting Flows and Flames.

CET’s laser research laboratories are amongst the most advanced in Australia.
Our specialist researchers can apply all the below techniques to solve both fundamental and applied research problems. The facilities are also available for commercial consultancies.
Spread across four specialised laboratories, our facilities are extensive and include:
- Two-phase flow facilities including particle handling and extraction systems
- Working bays to handle lab- and pilot-scale flames and reacting flows for a wide variety of fuel types
- Wind and water tunnels for flow visualisation and fluid mechanics
- Three specialist water tunnel facilities and two specialist multi-phase flow wind tunnels
- Numerous class III and IV lasers
- Three particle image velocimetry (PIV) laser systems suitable for use in air, water or flames
- One laser doppler velocimeter (LDV)
- Three tuneable Nd:YAG-pumped dye laser systems
- He:Ne lasers
- Argon ion lasers
- CO2 lasers
- Simultaneous diagnostics, where temperature, velocity, particle concentration and size, and soot volume fraction measurements can be coupled
- Specialised optics and detectors, such as Intensified CCD cameras and high-speed visualisation
- Expertise in most current laser techniques
- Particle image velocimetry (PIV)
- Laser doppler velocimetry (LDV)
- Planar nephelometry
- Laser sheet drop-sizing (LSD)
- Two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF)
- Laser induced incandescence (LII)
- Planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF)
- In-house image processing, post-processing and data analysis

Contact A/Prof Zeyad Alwahabi for further information.