CET Research Day Poster Competition

Postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers were asked to supply a two minute video explaining their research in the lead up to research day. A panel of CET researchers reviewed the videos and selected students to bring a poster to compete for a range of best poster prizes at CET Research Day.
The Centre for Energy Technology are delighted to announce the following prize recipients:
- Chee Min Leong received a Best PhD Poster Presentation Award for H2 storage and utilisation category.
- Siyun Ning received a Best PhD Poster Presentation Award for Low-carbon Heavy Industry Transition category.
- Mahmoud Adel Hamza Elsayed Gharib received a Best PhD Poster Presentation Award for H2 production category.
- Peijun Guo received a Best Early Career Research (ECR) Poster Presentation Award category.
- Thomas Small received a People's Choice Poster Award.
Finally, the Best Overall Poster at CET Research Day was awarded to Mahmoud Adel Hamza Elsayed Ghari for his work on Visible-light Photocatalysis for Simultaneous Photocatalytic H2 Production and Valorisation of Biomass Intermediates. Mahmoud will receive free registration at the HiTeMP-4 Forum, which will be held at the National Wine Centre from October 21-23, and the opportunity to present his poster there.