HyPT Forum

Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT) is a forum that explores, in depth, a range of current and emerging zero carbon emission (CO2-free) hydrogen production technologies, with world-leaders from industry, research and government agencies, keen to accelerate opportunities for low-cost hydrogen production.

Following successful forums HyPT-1 (2019)HyPT-2 (2021) and HyPT (2023), the 2025 forum scheduled for 21-24 October 2024 will be held virtually which allows us to accommodate all timezones. 
Forum Objectives

This forum will present an in-depth overview of a range of current and emerging zero carbon emission (CO2-free) hydrogen production technologies. The forum will explore, through expert opinion and discussion, the different technologies, with emphasis on:

  • Appraisal of current technologies: projections and limitations
  • Emerging technologies: challenges, solutions and potential for cost reduction, and
  • Implementation: system integration, scale-up, balance of plant and life-cycle analysis.

The HyPT-3 forum is organised by the Centre for Energy Technology at the University of Adelaide.