2022 CET Research Day review

The CET held another very successful Research Day last Monday April 11, taking academics and industry partners for an off-campus experience at the Sanctuary Function Centre, Adelaide Zoo.
Special thanks to our industry presenters Ms Felicity Lloyd, CEO of the HILT CRC, Mr David Norman, CEO of the Future Fuels CRC and energy consultant Ms Rachelle Doyle. Thanks also for the great presentations from CET researchers from across the University of Adelaide and stimulating panel discussions at the end of each programmed session.
The program for the day was divided into the following four topics:
- New Opportunities in the Low-carbon Transition
- The Low-carbon Heavy Industry Transition - Opportunities and Challenges
- Hydrogen / Alternative Fuels
- Opportunities for Australia in New-energy Materials
This year the CET trialled its first poster competition at Research Day. Postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers were asked to supply a two-minute video explaining their research in the lead up to the day. A panel of CET researchers reviewed the videos and selected successful students to bring a poster to compete for a range of best poster prizes at CET Research Day.
Posters were assessed, on the day, by industry judges, Mr Simon Nitschke, Technologies Regional Director, Asia Pacific, Hatch Pty Ltd and Mr Andrew Richardson, Innovation Connections Facilitator for South Australia's Entrepreneur's Program.
The Centre for Energy Technology would like to thank Simon and Andrew for the time and attention to detail that they brought to the judging process, and are delighted to announce the following prize recipients.
- Jessica de la Perrelle and Gule Li received a Best Poster for Hydrogen / Alternative Fuels in the postgraduate student category. Jessica presented her work on ‘Generating charges across the visible spectrum with organic semiconductor nanoparticles’ and Gule presented her work on ‘Gasification of agricultural residues via dual fluidized bed (DFB) gasification’.
- Dr Nam Tran received a Best Poster for Hydrogen / Alternative Fuels in the early career researcher category for his work on ‘Economic and environmental assessment of local Australian ammonia production using plasma technologies with green/turquoise hydrogen’.
- Shipu Han and Eyad Smadi received a Best Poster for Low-Carbon Heavy Industry Transition in the postgraduate student category. Shipu presented his work on ‘In-situ imaging of particle size distribution in an industrial-scale calcination reactor using a micro-focusing particle shadowgraphy’ and Eyad on ‘Steam calcination of lime for CO2 capture’.
- Dr Leok Lee received a Best Poster for Low-Carbon Heavy Industry Transition in the early career researcher category for his poster on ‘System modelling for renewable energy to thermal energy for heavy industrial processes’.
Finally, the Best Overall Poster at CET Research Day was awarded to Andrew Dolan for his work on ‘Photocatalytic evolution of hydrogen gas by organic semiconductors’. Andrew will receive free registration at the HiTeMP-3 Forum, which will be held at the National Wine Centre from September 26-28, and the opportunity to present his poster at the forum.
In addition to best poster awards, the CET continued its tradition of recognising and celebrating the research work of PhD and early career researchers, with the CET Research Awards that were granted as follows.
The best contribution to research quality (PhD) was awarded to Hanieh Mousavi and Xinchen 'Matthew' Zhang, with a Special Commendation to Xiaopeng 'Gavin' Bi. The best contribution to research quality (ECR) was awarded to Dr Azadeh Jafari.
The best contribution to clean energy technology (PhD) was awarded to Eyad Smadi and Mohammad Reza Abdollahi with a special commendation to Yining Tang and Daniel Ang. In the ECR category, Dr Tara Hosseini received the best contribution to clean energy technology (ECR) with a special commendation going to Dr Mahyar Silakhori.
Finally, Nazgol Mehrabian was awarded a special commendation for research endeavour and excellence and Dr Philip Ingenhoven was awarded best CET team player.
The CET congratulates all prize recipients for their hard work and achievement.
Professor Gus Nathan, Director of the CET, noted that Research Day 2022 was one of the best attended on record, and a great reflection of the excellent research being conducted by staff and students of the Centre.