(HyPT-3) Overview of Session 5A: Photo-electrochemical (PEC) and Photocatalysis (PC)

Thursday 14 September 2023 08:30am - 10:00am ACST (UTC+9:30) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Prof Bill Tumas (NREL), Prof Zetian Mi (UMich), A/Prof Syed Mubeen (SunHydrogen), PANELLISTS Prof Kazunari Domen (UTokyo), A/Prof Fiona Beck (ANU), CHAIR Prof Greg Metha (UoA) SESSIONS AIMS TO: • Appraise the current state of Photo-electrochemical (PEC) and Photocatalytic (PC) water-splitting, projections and limitations
• Analyse the challenges and limitations of the emerging technologies, and barriers leading to cost reduction
• Consider system integration, scale-up and effectiveness, as well as life-cycle analysis.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Prof Bill Tumas (NREL) Bill Tumas is the Associate Laboratory Director for Materials, Chemical and Computational Science (MCCS) at NREL leading fundamental and applied R&D for renewable energy and energy efficiency. He oversees NREL's solar, hydrogen and fuel cells, basic energy sciences, advanced computing, and ARPA-E programs. Tumas has been actively engaged in collaborative research and technical leadership positions for over 30 years in industry and at national laboratories. He has helped create a number of multi-institution and international collaborations, including the Solar Energy Research Institute for India and the United States (SERIIUS), was director of two Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), helps drive the RD20 collaboration led by Japan’s AIST (rd20.aist.go.jp). Bill is the US lead for and helped create the newly formed Mission Innovation Sunlight to X global innovation community (http://mission-innovation.net/platform/innovation-community-on-sunlight… ). He is also on the management team for the Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA, www.liquidsunlightalliance.org ), a DOE Office of Science Basic Energy Sciences solar fuels hub. Prior to NREL, Bill was at Los Alamos National Laboratory for 17 years, where his last position was Program Director for Applied Energy Programs. He started his career at Dupont Central Research after postdoctoral research at Caltech. His research activities include materials discovery, solar energy conversion, hydrogen storage, catalysis, supercritical fluids and alternate reaction media, green chemistry, and waste treatment technology development and assessment. He has over 65 peer-reviewed publications, 12 patents, and has given over 125 invited presentations. Bill received a B.A in Chemistry from Ithaca College and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Stanford University. Prof Zetian Mi (UMich) Zetian Mi is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of low dimensional semiconductors and their applications in photonic, electronic, clean energy, and quantum devices and systems. Prof. Mi has received the Science and Engineering Award from W. M. Keck Foundation in 2020, the David E. Liddle Research Excellence Award in 2021, the Young Scientist Award from the International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors in 2015, the IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer Award in 2020, and the IEEE Nanotechnology Council Distinguished Lecturer Award in 2023. Prof. Mi currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Quantum Electronics, the Serial Editor of Semiconductors and Semimetals, and Vice President for Conferences of IEEE Photonics Society. Prof. Mi is a fellow of IEEE, APS, SPIE and Optica. A/Prof Syed Mubeen (SunHydrogen) Dr. Mubeen, a University of Iowa Chemical Engineering Professor, has served as a lead scientist for SunHydrogen since 2015. His expertise is in the intersection of nanotechnology and electrochemical engineering, specifically in the areas of solar fuel and chemical production. At the University of Iowa, Dr. Mubeen also directed graduate admissions for the chemical engineering program. He has authored more than 50 peer-reviewed papers on electrochemistry and his work has been cited over 5500 times. PANELLISTS Prof Kazunari Domen (UTokyo) Kazunari Domen is a professor at the University of Tokyo and a special contract professor at Shinshu University, Japan. He received his PhD with honours in chemistry from the University of Tokyo in 1982. Dr Domen joined the Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1982, as Assistant Professor and was subsequently promoted to Associate Professor in 1990 and Professor in 1996. He moved to the University of Tokyo as a professor in 2004, and to a cross appointment with Shinshu University, as special contract professor in 2017. Professor Domen has published more than 800 original and review papers with an h-index of about 130. His research interests now include heterogeneous catalysis and materials chemistry, with particular focus on photocatalytic water splitting for solar hydrogen production. A/Prof Fiona Beck (ANU) A/Prof Beck leads a research group at the School of Engineering, working to leverage a deeper understanding of light-matter interactions on the nanoscale for application in renewable energy, carbon dioxide reduction, and solar fuel applications. Her technical work has been published in high impact journals and cited >3000 times. She is also the Convenor of the Hydrogen Fuels project for ZCEAP - ANU’s Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific, Grand Challenge, working with a transdisciplinary team from across ANU to help transform Australia into a leading exporter of renewable fuels in our region. In this role she has contributed significantly to the national conversation on new, zero-carbon industries and exports for Australia, through outreach, academic publications, submissions to government, and contributions in National and International media. A/Prof has a background in applied physics (MSci 2006, University of Glasgow) and engineering (PhD 2011, ANU), and has previously held prestigious international fellowships including a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission (IIF, 2012), and a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA, 2018) from the Australian Research Council. |
HyPT-3 will bring together over 70 experts from around the world to compare the relative merits of alternative CO2-free hydrogen technologies.
September 12 - 15, 2023 (Virtual)
Building on the very successful Hydrogen Production Technologies (HyPT) Forums held in 2019 and 2021, HyPT-3 will continue to explore, in depth, a range of current and emerging zero carbon emission (CO2-free) hydrogen production technologies.
The forum will examine, through expert opinion and discussion, the different technologies, with emphasis on: appraisal of current technologies, projections and limitations; challenges and limitations of emerging technologies, and barriers leading to cost reduction; and consideration of systems integration, scale-up and effectiveness, as well as life-cycle analysis.
Date: Tuesday 12 September - Friday 15 September, Australian Central Standard Time.
Time: Sessions scheduled across four days. 2 sessions will be run for each topic to suit different time zones. (see program)
Cost: $110.00 (AUD) general admission, $55.00 (AUD) for students.
Mode: Virtual only - Zoom links will be sent out prior to the forum commencing.