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Recent Celebration of World Environment Day at Urrbrae House
To celebrate World Environment Day in 2024, the SA Division of the United Nations Association of Australia hosted an event in historic Urrbrae House at the Waite Campus of the University of Adelaide and invited three people to speak on the UNESCO World Heritage nomination for the Flinders Ranges region.
[Read more about Recent Celebration of World Environment Day at Urrbrae House]
The Moa's legacy: lessons for conservation in New Zealand
New research from Jamie Wood and team shows that ancient moa refuges now host other endangered native flightless birds like takahē and kākāpō, despite these areas being less than ideal.
[Read more about The Moa's legacy: lessons for conservation in New Zealand]
2024 Future Making Fellowships - applications now open
Applications are now being accepted for the University of Adelaide's Future Making Fellowships Scheme for 2024.
[Read more about 2024 Future Making Fellowships - applications now open]
Ancient DNA uncovers dingo’s hidden heritage
A landmark collaborative study co-led by the University of Adelaide and QUT has revealed the distribution of modern dingoes across Australia pre-dates European colonisation and interventions like the dingo-proof fence.
[Read more about Ancient DNA uncovers dingo’s hidden heritage]
Ocean acidification turns fish off coral reefs
A new study of coral reefs in Papua New Guinea shows ocean acidification simplifies coral structure, making crucial habitat less appealing to certain fish species.
[Read more about Ocean acidification turns fish off coral reefs]
Future risk of coral bleaching set to itensify globally
An international team of researchers led by the University of Adelaide has projected future marine heatwaves will cause coral reefs to be at severe risk of bleaching for longer periods than previously seen.
[Read more about Future risk of coral bleaching set to itensify globally]
New paper exploring the ecological implications of the height of tropical forest trees
A new paper led by Dr Ferry Slik based in Brunei, and including Environment Institute Director Andrew Lowe as a coauthor, explores the ecological implications of the height of tropical forest trees.
Consuming Landscapes?
The rural hinterlands of Australia’s metropolitan areas and regional cities, known as peri-urban regions, are well-known as sites of expanding habitat loss and a high incidence of threatened species.
A glimpse into the past: what digging for DNA in cave dirt tells us about ancient Australia?
For most people the term “ancient DNA” might conjur up images of Jurassic Park, where DNA extracted from a mosquito preserved in amber was used to re-create long extinct dinosaurs.
2024 SA Environment Awards Success
Yesterday, on World Environment Day, we celebrated the 2024 SA Environment Award finalists and winners. The evening was a fantastic celebration of environmental champions across the state, emceed by the charismatic Tiahni Adamson.
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