Professor Andrew Lowe is announced as Director of Food Innovation
The Autumn edition of the Alumni magazine Lumen features Environment Institute member Professor Andrew Lowe in his new position of Director of Food Innovation at the University of Adelaide.
The creation of this position builds on the experience and expertise at the University of Adelaide, building on the FOODplus Research Centre based at the Waite campus with 260 academics with expertise in food.
In his new position Professor Lowe will be working closely with Food South Australia and the South Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA). These close relationships will help develop partnerships with industry and government and act as the key interface with partners across the area of food innovation, and help maximise benefits to the community and the University of its world-class research and teaching capability in this area.
Read the full story here
The announcement was also covered in The Advertiser today.
The creation of this position builds on the experience and expertise at the University of Adelaide, building on the FOODplus Research Centre based at the Waite campus with 260 academics with expertise in food.
In his new position Professor Lowe will be working closely with Food South Australia and the South Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA). These close relationships will help develop partnerships with industry and government and act as the key interface with partners across the area of food innovation, and help maximise benefits to the community and the University of its world-class research and teaching capability in this area.
Read the full story here
The announcement was also covered in The Advertiser today.
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